A love letter to a younger me
I use this platform to empower women in all areas of life, whether that’s business, wealth, self-worth, health or wellness. Today, I want to talk about women and our menstrual cycles 🙈 This isn’t just one for the ladies! Guys, it’s super important for you to understand how a woman’s body works too 🙏
I use this platform to empower women in all areas of life, whether that’s business, wealth, self-worth, health or wellness. Today, I want to talk about women and our menstrual cycles 🙈 This isn’t just one for the ladies! Guys, it’s super important for you to understand how a woman’s body works too 🙏
I wish I had someone explain to me when I was younger the superpower that women hold in their cycle. I’ve learned so much about my cycle in the last 12 months as a 28-year-old, and I’m kind of annoyed that I was never told these things when I first got my period at 15 🤷♀️ There’s a good ten years of my life where I would have done things differently if I did know these things.
I’m not sure about you, but when I first got my period, the first thing I thought was that I needed to quickly go on the pill as I could now fall pregnant 😳That was seriously the only thing I was told about my period! Essentially, I just believed it meant I could now have babies 😅
So this is a little love letter to my younger self – or to the other ladies out there that never had a proper conversation about their period when they were younger ❤️ I now realise that your cycle is a road map and a superpower to help you lean into your femininity. When you really understand your cycle, you know how to live and work in a way that aligns with your energy, honours your truth and moulds around your lifestyle 🙌
Lady lying poolside
The Taboo Topic
I am no expert, and I’m only sharing this from personal experience, but this isn’t a conversation about sex 🙅♀️ Your period is so much more than that! When I was younger, it was such a taboo topic. It was yucky, personal, inconvenient and too intimate to discuss with even your closest friends.
I think that’s why many girls in my generation were put on the pill straight away, yet no one ever told us about the symptoms, side effects and dangers that come with that 😓 It’s not until I’m embarking on my 30s that I’m really starting to learn about this and realise how your cycle is a gift after years of trying to get rid of it.
It’s a Sign You’re Healthy
Your period is not just a sign that you can have babies; it’s a marker that you’re healthy. So many of my friends have been getting their “period” on the pill for the last 10 years, and assuming this means they’re healthy.
But, if you’re on the pill, these aren’t actually periods because you’re not ovulating!
It actually means you’re masking many symptoms that truly indicate health because you’re getting a fake bleed. That’s a whole different conversation about fertility, but it’s super important to know that your period is essentially a sign of your health as a woman.
What was really never discussed with me was the superpowers that come with our period. I think our generation of women are more in our masculinity than any generation before us, because we’re expected to be a great wife, mum, friend and daughter – while also having an income and climbing up the ladder in our careers 😅 We are trying to work and live like men despite being wired energetically and psychologically - differently.
Your Cycle
That’s where our cycle can come in - and can be your superpower in honouring your femininity. You can actually only fall pregnant within 48 hours of our cycle. From such a young age it’s instilled into us that we need to use the pill as contraception to avoid falling pregnant.
But there are other contraception options beyond the pill that can keep you protected without messing with your health as a woman. It might be something worth discussing with your health practitioner and actually learning about some of the symptoms that you’re going through.
Pain isn’t normal, irregular periods are not normal, depression and big mood swings are not normal, and getting a bleed on the pill doesn’t mean you’re actually getting your period 💥
Credit: Lauren Kerr beach side
Men and women are simply wired differently.
I see so many women in the workplace going through burnout. We’re trying to do everything and be all things for all people, all the time. Energetically, it’s just not sustainable, and we end up feeling frustrated that we can’t juggle it all 😖
What I’m about to teach you will help you practice kindness, patience and compassion towards yourself: it will show you your superpower and how you can get everything done without burning out 🥰
Fun Fact: Women actually have a monthly hormone cycle, but men have a 24-hour hormone cycle.
Energetically, we’re wired differently and psychologically, we work differently too. Both sides of the female brain talk to each other, which makes us really good with intuition, emotions, reading people, reading social cues and showing empathy. On the other hand, men are more dominant on one side than the other.
They use one side of the brain at a time, which means they have less fluctuation in their emotion, think more logically than emotionally and aren’t as good as multitasking as us. They’ll probably feel the same today as they did yesterday at that time during the day, where women may have a week of feeling emotional, followed by a week of feeling really social.
When no one is teaching women about this, they’re often left feeling like something is wrong with them 💔 They’ll question their mental health, self worth and productivity - being confused as to why they went from feeling on top of the world and bossing life, to really emotional, insecure and needing down time – without realising it’s a natural cycle that will happen every month 😌. When we understand this and predict when changes are coming, we can strategically plan our life, whether that’s professional or personal 🙏
What I want to teach you is a really simple way to embrace this. I like to think about this in terms of the four seasons – summer, autumn, winter and spring. Every woman has their own four seasons. Let’s think about winter as when you’re on your period. I want you to think about what this time of the month looks like for you.
For most of us it’s a time of introspection and our intuition is peaked. For me, this is a time in my cycle when I need to have more self-love. This might mean cacao, baths, more cuddles, and really prioritising time with my partner in winter ✨
The shadow: However (like every season) be aware of the duality. In this season (week or so). I used to feel like I was letting people down because I wasn’t living or performing up to my usual standard and I couldn’t give my best. My energy felt forced and fake. I try to plan for this by not making appointments socially or professionally at this time, and instead focus on things I can do on my own - whether it’s finalising tasks, writing blogs, booking keep or prepping for a new month or promotion. I give myself permission to say no, and enjoy white space and just rest. This is a time for looking after you and practising self compassion and remembering rest is productive too.
The week after winter comes spring. This is when you’re in the lead up to ovulation. This is the best time to start setting goals or intentions for the next month. Plan out campaigns and start creating content. This is where I may schedule live videos, interviews, marketing efforts, and networking events as a business owner.
In spring, I start feeling creative and inspired to take on new projects with new energy and ideas. I love to use this time to journal, meditate, dance and be all-around a bit more playful. So for your spring, start thinking about what you can do to embrace this? 🤔
The shadow: This is also a time when I can fall into overwhelm. I have this tendency of being so inspired and motivated that I take on way more than I can handle. If I know this as my cycle, I can set good boundaries and look after myself too 💫 This is where a good goal setting template or calendar comes in handy to plan out your next month or 4 weeks of projects to be able to honour and protect your energy and commitments.
Credit: Lauren Kerr standing by the water
Next comes summer, and this is usually the time when you’re ovulating. Science has shown that when you’re ovulating and you’re obviously at your most fertile, you unconsciously begin luring sexual partners in 😏. You will often notice you feel more social, flirty and even an increase in your sex drive!
Scientists have even found they can depict when women are ovulating because they unconsciously start to wear less clothing 😜 In this season I find I like to wear more makeup, get a blow-dry and get dressed up to have a night out with my girlfriends 💃. This is the perfect time in your cycle to plan catch ups with friends as energetically you can pour from your overflow.
You are also most magnetic at this point of your cycle - so strategically if you can, this is the perfect time to go to networking events, pitch ideas, sell online, ask for a pay rise, look for a romantic partner or go for a new job or promotion.
The shadow: A shadow of this season is that it’s easy for women to become more selfish during this season. Even if you’re in a loving and happy relationship, you might catch yourself out with wandering eyes 👀 You might get a little excited or flirty, and can fall into the trap of not being very thoughtful of others because you’re so consumed with how you’re feeling. Our vibe is high and often we don’t want anyone to f*&k with it! We also crave fun in this season and may be more social than usual - which means we may (briefly) loose focus of our goals and may not have the motivation to work. So instead consciously batch the ‘work’ that requires you to be social and extroverted so you can take advantage of this week in your cycle when your energy is at its peak.
But like everything, it’s only a season, and these emotions are followed by autumn. Just like the season Autumn, this is a great time in your cycle to cleanse and get rid of dead energy - whether it be cleaning out your work space, emails, finishing off projects before a new cycle or reflecting on habits or relationships that may no longer be serving you.
The shadow: This season is often when we are more reflective and feel a little bit tired or sensitive than usual. It’s really important to know that this doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you! It’s completely normal to go into a period of turning inwards after a period of summer. You can only do it all and be it all when you give yourself time to slow down and honour yourself. I like to look after myself during this time with massages, cleaning my house/space and journaling. I often find myself feeling more anxious during this time, but I find it really helpful to embrace these feelings and be kind to myself… knowing just like every season, this too shall pass. We can’t be go go go all the time - it isn’t sustainable or realistic.
Understanding Your Cycle
As a woman, if you understand these cycles and you’re not thinking that your period is a yucky inconvenience, it can be the most beautiful blessing in your life. So many of us are looking for validation externally of how we are feeling and seeking permission to slow down and give ourselves a break, but we need to learn how to use our own emotions and feelings as internal guidance to work in alignment with our hormone levels. It’s a simple way to strategically plan our lives and businesses to be the best version of ourselves.
It’s been the most beautiful journey for me to dive into this over the past 12 months with the beautiful resources on cycle syncing, women health education and moon tracking inside the Healthstyle Emporium.
I only wished someone taught me this when I was 15 rather than marketing trying to sell me tampons, sex ed classes telling me to be fearful of pregnancy, doctors encouraging me to get on the pill and society pressuring me to go on living life as if nothing had changed and to keep up with my male peers in school and the workplace.
So to a younger version of me (and you if you never had someone teach you this)… congratulations you got your period!!! This is a gift and a superpower you can tap into for the rest of your life if you choose to harness it correctly. Men don’t have this - so I encourage you lean into your femininity and leverage off it. It is such a beautiful self care ritual as well as a bio hack for productivity!
Domestic Violence...lets talk about it.
Recently I’ve been chatting with you all about some of the things we discuss in my book. But this week, I wanted to talk about something that was on my heart 💖 I find it pretty hard to be open and honest about some things in my life when I’m struggling with others.
Recently I’ve been chatting with you all about some of the things we discuss in my book. But this week, I wanted to talk about something that was on my heart 💖 I find it pretty hard to be open and honest about some things in my life when I’m struggling with others.
That’s why I wanted to come here today to talk about domestic violence 👇
I recently attended a beautiful fundraiser for Kelly Wilkinson. You may have heard her story recently on the news if you’re in Australia. Kelly was a Mum of three beautiful children on the Gold Coast and her husband murdered her 💔 Her sister has five children and now looks after Kelly’s three kids, which means she’s got eight kids at home now!
Image Credit: Lauren Kerr babes in business ocean side
Sadly… I know it’s not a unique story.
Did you know one in six women experience physical or sexual abuse from someone in their household between the ages of 15 and older?
I have so many lovely ladies part of my community, subscribed to my newsletter, listening to our podcast and following me on Instagram in this demographic, making it super close to home ❤️ It’s even closer to home for me because I used to work in child protection services and met women every single day that were going through domestic violence. I saw how it happens…and even sadder what keeps them in those situations. 😭
During my time working in this space, I found it super tricky to disconnect 😅 I found it really hard to carry on with my day and have people worrying about the littlest things when there were other women just around the corner going to bed each night literally fearing for their life 🙁 A lot of the women in these situations also have kids… and that brought a whole new level of worry too 😭
In the child safety industry, we always stood by the fact that child safety is everybody’s business. I truly believe it’s the same with domestic violence too. It’s super intimate because it usually happens under the roof of a home, and it’s hidden by closed doors, which means many people don’t hear about it or know much about it 🙅♀️
Rather than talking about how we can change the world, let’s shift the focus to how you can change your world – your little piece of your world. Who are the people in your life that might need your support? 💫
We can all do our part to recognize the warning signs
No person wakes up one day and thinks, “I’m going to murder my partner today”. It’s always an escalating process, and there are so many warning signs along the way. Although we can often sense that something is wrong from the outside, it’s such a taboo subject that we don’t know how to deal with it or what to say 🤷♀️
When we think about the fact that 1 in 6 women go through this, it’s inevitable that someone in your world is in this situation 🤔 But the other scary thing, is that the perpetrator is someone you know too. It could be your mate, brother, dad, colleague or acquaintance, but it’s an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling to tackle and even more so - conversation to have. So most of us avoid it. 😱
Standing on the outside, there are many behaviours that we can pick up on to identify these situations.
A common phrase is that women experiencing these situations become “a shell of themselves”.
She may stop going out, her energy drops, and she becomes more reserved.
Another thing to know is that women in these situations often push people away.
Often when girlfriends are needed the most, they step back and think that they’re being blocked out.
As a woman, the best thing you can do when you notice these things is not to become a victim blamer and just to be there.
Continue to check-in and show up – even if that person shuts you out 💖Just be there.
Ask questions – do they have somewhere safe to go? Do they have someone they can call for help?
Image Credit: Lauren Kerr babes in business on the beach in the afternoon
Sitting on the Sidelines
I have two brothers that are always around other guys at work and play AFL, and I have a husband that is a CEO of his company (so an influence and role model for his own male staff) and he used to play rugby so is constantly surrounded by men.
There are conversations that I have heard over the years amongst men via them that have happened at work, on the sporting sidelines, at the gym or at training that are simply not okay. Sometimes it’s played off as humour but saying really derogatory things about women is just not acceptable.
The problem with just being a bystander and not stepping in is that these perpetrators start to think that it’s okay, and normalise their thoughts and behaviour… and they not only get away with it 🙅♀️ but continue to strengthen their beliefs which reinforces their behaviour.
We need to shift this way of thinking to make any real change in the community. It’s about transforming their thinking. If you hear a male say something that really doesn’t sit well with you, we need to step in instead of laughing along (or avoiding it and turning the other way because it’s uncomfortable). It doesn’t mean we have to start a fight, but simply pulling them up shows them where the line is.
Domestic Violence isn’t always Physical Abuse
Sometimes it’s when there is an imbalance of power and control. A lot of the time, the way men end up controlling women is through money. When men hold money over women, they loose their freedom, their power, their independence and autonomy. They have to start asking permission to do things, go places and see people.
Without money, they become separated from their community, their family and their freedom 😢…which is also where they loose their safety net. They get cut off from people which means loved one’s can’t see or notice the abuse to be able to report it or offer help or emotional support.
If the man controls the money, more often than not it means when she is out socialising - its also with him which makes it even harder for her to ask for help and adds to the illusion thats everything’s ok because they are showing up together. Sometimes his behaviour may come across chivalrous - when really it’s controlling, manipulative and stalkerish.
This is why I am so passionate about empowering women with their own income stream from home. It's not a luxury - it’s our safety and insurance. Download my free ebook if you would love to read some more statistics around women and wealth and how you can be empowered with your own finances and future.
Men Holding Money over Women’s Heads
When you hear comments about men controlling the money or notice situations like this, it can be as simple as asking: How does your partner feel about this?
Girls are much more likely to do this with other women in their life, but we need to encourage more men to do this and engage in this conversation with men - showing empathy and respect for women as equal partners 🙏
They say we’re the result of the five people we spend the most time with, so it’s important to consider what influence you can have on the people in your life too…
You can make a difference…
Stepping in can also be as simple as just sharing openly how you treat your partner as an equal, how you communicate with your partner, how you manage finances as a couple and even how you manage your own emotions, including stress, jealousy and anger. By speaking about meditation, journaling, or exercise to control emotion, rather than physical or emotional manipulation as an outlet, men can drive change by leading by example. It all starts with open conversations.
Stepping in when you need to is so important
If you are worried about someone and there’s just something that intuitively doesn’t feel right, you need to speak up. If someone in your social circle makes a really inappropriate joke and you just avoid it because it’s easier. Your silence is making it easier for the perpetrator.
They are getting the message it’s ok. It is normal to think like that. No one is telling them that’s disrespectful or holding them accountable… you’re giving them permission. Please don’t stay quiet. Challenge their perspective and say something.
Men …
I really believe it starts with you too. Don’t join in on the banter when one of your mates is saying derogatory things about his partner. Opening that conversation can be as simple as saying – I don’t find that funny, that doesn’t sit well with me or that sounds a little bit controlling.
As I said at the start of this blog, I find it really hard to just go on with my day when I know there are things like this happening in the world around me all the time. We can all do something to be part of change, or at least influence change in our own small world. I have a platform and audience so I figured let’s use it to start a conversation about something that is relevant and affects all of us in some way.
So this weeks blog is a different energy to usual but trust me when I say my head is always in the clouds dreaming and being positive…but my feet are planted firmly on the ground and I know what the reality is for a lot of women around the world which is massive driver behind what I do - empowering women with community, support, self worth, financial literacy and their own money.
If you’re going through a situation like this, I just want to let you know that you’re not alone and there are definitely support services that can help you. But it’s also up to us – everyday people – to make the change too.
Please know my inbox is always open if you would like to chat…
Sending all my love, light and strength
P.S We hosted a free event this week where we spoke about how we are empowering women all around the world with financial independence if you would love to to watch the replay here. If it resonates with you on any level - please reach out.
My Goal for 2021 and why ✨- #75Hard Challenge
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a mindset and discipline challenge that goes for 75 days. two 45-minute workouts a day, drink one gallon of water, read 10 pages, stick to a diet, no alcohol / or cheat days, and take a progress picture every single day.
Have you heard of the 75 Hard Challenge?
It seems like more and more people are starting to talk about it!
If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a mindset and discipline challenge that goes for 75 days. For the two and a half months of the challenge, you need to:
two 45-minute workouts a day (at least one needs to be outdoors rain, hail or shine) 🏋️♀️
drink one gallon of water 💦
read 10 pages of a personal development book 📖
stick to a diet 🍉
have no alcohol / or cheat days🥂
and take a progress picture every single day 📸
If you skip anything or have a cheat day, you’ve got to go back to day one and start all over again 🙈
Lauren Kerr - Babes in Business - Stretching on the beach
Last week I started the #75Hard challenge myself 💪
Why? Well, I’ve seen heaps of my friends and other people in my life doing the challenge recently. After chatting with these people, I’ve discovered that most aren’t doing it as a health challenge. It’s really more of an opportunity to test your mental toughness, discipline and commitment.
I’ve got a personality that means I’m either all in or all out when I do anything – especially when it comes to health. Up until about 4 or 5 years ago when I joined The Healthstyle Emporium, I didn't have a healthy relationship with food or exercise, I was always trying to do something excessively and restricting myself in another which just led to me yo-yo-ing my weight and my happiness.
From my experience diets don’t work. I’m a big believer that every time you restrict yourself of anything, you end up just binging or over indulging in the end anyway. My five-year journey with The Health Style Emporium has taught me how to be happy and healthy on my own terms, in a sustainable and holistic way by skipping the diets and learning how to just move and eat intuitively (with healthy alternatives) which has been such an incredible and life changing experience 💖
Now, my principle in life and business is the 80% rule 🙌🏽. Eat healthy 80% of time, move well 80% of time, work hard 80% of the time because from my experience this is the consistency that leads to sustainable success and health without burnout or binging and allows lots of time for rest and play 🕺🏼✨
The 80% principal has served me really well…but because I live by this rule in every aspect of my life, I don’t really know what it’s like to commit 100% of the time and go all in. If I feel great at 80%, imagine how good I could feel at 100%?
I’m doing the #75Hard challenge to test my own discipline, to show up more for myself and really just see how good I can possibly feel 👏
Discovering a new version of myself
One of the aspects that interested me the most about this challenge was the no alcohol rule. I’m not sure when you first started drinking, but I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t think I have gone more than about 2 weeks without alcohol since I was 15 😬.
I probably was a bit of a binge drinker between the ages of 17 and 20 (aren’t we all 🙈), but I’m not like that anymore. I do drink regularly but it’s usually just enjoying a cocktail at dinner, a Pina Colada’s in the sunshine or having a port in the bath🍷. It may not be large amounts all the time, but it’s definitely consistent.
Given it’s been so long that I’ve lived like this, I’m excited to discover how I might feel without having that much alcohol in my life. Plenty of people I’ve spoken to are saying their clarity, intuition and overall mood are much better! I’m really keen to see if I will experience the same results.
Lauren Kerr - Babes in Business - Sipping a Pina Colada on the Beach
Self-worth does not equal work ethic
Another motivating factor for me was my self-worth. When it comes to my business, the reality is that I AM my business.
Have you heard the saying – ‘Don’t kill the golden goose’?
In my mind, that saying is a reminder of how important it is to look after the golden goose in your life – the thing that lays the eggs and provides your wealth and abundance. Don’t get caught up on burning your goose out over one egg when (if you look after it) it can continue to deliver you a lifetime of golden eggs. Being my own boss and running my own business means it’s so important to invest in and look after… me! 🥰
I had a massive breakthrough last year that I shared with you all on my birthday…
I had this really old belief that I was carrying around with me that my work ethic equals my self-worth 😰 When I’m not working hard, I didn’t feel like I was worthy of my income or my lifestyle. I felt like I needed to work even harder to deserve more.
I decided in 2021 to discover how I could increase my self-worth, without always tying it to my work ethic. I saw the #75Hard Challenge as a great way to put myself first and remind myself that I am worthy of what I have – without linking it back to my professional life.
So it’s time to turn that worthyodometer up gf! 🙌
Getting started on the challenge
I’m super excited to bring you guys along the way on this journey and I can’t wait to see the results of giving 100% to myself. Before getting started, I thought water was going to be the hardest part, but I’ve realised that I do drink pretty much a gallon a day. The real tough part for me is definitely going to be the alcohol and no cheat days 🙈
The 6 week Glow Up inside The Healthstyle Emporium is helping me stay inspired and creative with my work outs and yummy healthy meals and treats, along with our babes for support and accountability 👯♀️🙌🏽) but I got tempted over the weekend with donuts 🍩 🙊
Donuts are my weakness 😅 WARM JAM DONUTS ARE LIFE 🤤🤤
I found myself mentally battling myself being like ‘who said I can’t have a donut 😡’...I hate rules, restrictions and being told what I can and can’t do... but I quickly caught myself and realised I was giving my power away.
I can eat that donut. But I am ‘choosing’ not to.
I see this so often, we give our power away by saying we are forced to do something when you’re not ...
You’re choosing to go to that job, be in that relationship, to not eat the donut 😝
You have a choice - and reminding yourself takes you out of the victim mentality and gives you back your power.
Lauren Kerr - Babes in Business - Watching Sunset over the Beach
What does the next level of you look like?
When one of my highest values is balance, I will admit I feel pretty torn already and I am only a week in!
Half of my brain is telling me '“f*&K it! Just have the drink / donut if you want it”, but I keep having to remind myself that I really want to step into that next level of myself this year and if I want to grow, I need to try new things and push myself outside of my current comfort zone and realm of reality.
The old Lauren wouldn’t say no to a good time.
The old Lauren wouldn’t deprive her body from what she felt like. But becoming the new Lauren means I need to say yes to new things, I need to think like I wouldn’t usually and I need to behave like I wouldn’t usually… if I want to experience new things and manifest a new reality or results. It’s exciting to be in this zone of discomfort because it’s a great sign that I’m on the way to reaching the next level of myself.
If you’re considering your goals for 2021 or you’re thinking about the #75Hard challenge, I would really encourage you to think about what the next level of yourself looks like?
How can you make yourself uncomfortable and start taking steps in the right direction towards who you can / want to be?
How can you think, speak and act in ways that you usually wouldn’t?
When I sat down to nut out my 2021 goals, the #75Hard Challenge was really the only thing that I really wanted to do when it came to my own personal health and happiness - so here I am getting it done and sharing it with you for some public accountability! ✔️ I’m one week in so it’s early days and I don’t want to get too ahead of myself, but so far so good! I am enjoying the process and the mental toughness and can not wait to share with you my results (both mentally and physically). 🙌
Bring on the next level of Lauren!
If you’re doing the challenge, I’d love to keep updated with how you’re doing too! Feel free to drop me a comment on Instagram and keep me in the loop and let’s cheer each on! Together, we’ve got this 💪
P.S If you haven’t set yourself any goals yet for 2021 - last week I hosted a Goal Setting Masterclass exclusively for our clients inside the Healthstyle Emporium but… I wanted to offer it to my online community as well coz I love you guys ❤️ I hope it helps you get clear on what you want to focus on this year so you feel like you have direction, purpose and something to strive towards and get excited about too!
I talk about:
How to set goals that align with your highest values
Why its so hard to set goals AND stick to them
The psychology of goal setting and how to use it as your super power
Strategies to help you see your goals the whole year through
+ BONUS a free goal setting template so you walk away feeling empowered and clear on what you want to consciously create this year!
Let me know what you take from it, I hope it serves you ✨
Four Tips for Self Love
I recently partnered up with Lust Minerals as part of their Self Love Movement. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a huge believer of self-love. That’s because I know that it’s only when you’re looking after yourself, that you can vibrate at a higher frequency and create the life you’re dreaming about.
I think self-love starts with being compassionate and understanding towards ourselves and realising that we can’t always be hustling and achieving. Life works in ebbs and flow, and it’s super important to acknowledge that!
I recently partnered up with Lust Minerals as part of their Self Love Movement. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a huge believer of self-love. That’s because I know that it’s only when you’re looking after yourself, that you can vibrate at a higher frequency and create the life you’re dreaming about.
I think self-love starts with being compassionate and understanding towards ourselves and realising that we can’t always be hustling and achieving. Life works in ebbs and flow, and it’s super important to acknowledge that!
There are plenty of different ways that you can fill up your cup, and the best options look different for everyone. As we move into 2021, I’d love to share some of my top self-love tips with you. These are some super simple but really valuable strategies that I’ve found incredibly powerful in my everyday life. Feel free to give these tips a try and let me know how you go! I would love to hear from you 🥰
Lauren Kerr - Babes in Business - Meditating on the Beach
Having a morning routine
I honestly believe the best gift you can give yourself is a morning routine. Whether its 15-minutes or an hour, I try to start every day by carving out some time to fill up my cup 🤗 For some people that means you might need to wake up a little earlier or get out of bed before your kids do, but it’s well and truly worth it.
I’m constantly speaking to women from all walks of life about becoming the best version of themselves, and morning routines is something that always comes up. Introducing some kind of meditation, visualisation or gratitude at the start of the day is a simple way to get yourself into the right mindset before tackling the day ahead 🙌 These simple acts mean you are reconnecting with your goals every morning and reminding yourself of what’s important to you, before the world tries to tell you something different.
For anyone that is totally new to meditation and visualisation or isn’t sure where to start, I would definitely recommend checking out our recent episode on the Babes Talking Business Podcast. In this episode, we shared an open eye meditation that you guys can use as part of your morning routine to help you really visualise what the next level of yourself looks like and how you can best show up 💁♀️
Lauren Kerr - Babes in Business
Invest in you and prioritise your own health and happiness
This one might sound super simple, but plenty of women (especially mums!) are constantly putting everyone else’s needs before their own. But realistically, self-love isn’t selfish or a luxury – it’s a necessity 👏 You are no help to anyone when you’re burnt out, depressed or sick. Imagine how freeing it would be if everyone just took radical responsibility for their own health and happiness rather than being a burden on their family and friends?
✔️ My tip for you is to remember you are worthy of investing in
✔️ You matter
✔️ Your health and happiness is important
Start by asking yourself, what is one thing you can do today to be a healthier and happier version of yourself? I like to start my morning by moving my body, meditating and nourishing my body before starting the day 🧘♀️ What could you do? If you need some help working out what you could do to make yourself happy, I have a free happiness test here. It only takes half an hour to do but is a great place to start to work out how you can best invest in you this year 💥
Put some time aside this week to look at your money
I know for plenty of women, this isn’t a fun job! It’s much easier to stick your head in the sand and try to ignore it, but getting comfortable and familiar with your finances is super important and one of the greatest acts of self love. Have you heard the saying “Your self worth is a direct reflection of your net worth”? I’m sure you can all relate!
When you don’t have money, you feel anxious, scared and worried. So, getting on top of your finances is the easiest way to feel empowered and to discover that next level of self-worth.
Do yourself a favour and put some time aside to look at your money, get your 2021 budget sorted and even work on your financial literacy or wealth creation strategies. I see so many women giving their power away by not being empowered with their own money and find themselves in really difficult situations or relationships 😢
Money isn’t just freedom, it’s how you have security, safety and choices. Have a look at the ‘not so fun facts’ below from our Free side hustle guide to understand why I believe this is one of the best gifts you can give yourself (especially as a women) 🙌💄
Does this sound like something you need help with? I’ve got you babe. We’ve put together a guide that breaks down how to kickstart your side hustle ⚡️ It goes through different ways to generate an income and the wide range of potential income streams that you can make the most of.
Protecting your energy
Do you know how to say no? Are you okay with saying no? Every time you say yes to something that you would rather not do, you’re actually saying no to yourself 😳 The thing that most often comes at an expense of saying yes, is time for you.
That’s time for you to work on your goals, time for you to put aside to prioritise the things you deem important like your friends, your family, your health, your happiness, or time for you to rest yourself.
I would love for you to focus on being really protective of yourself and your energy this year - Consciously investing your energy with people who love you, support you, lift you up and cheer you on.
Say yes to the people that enrich your life and be okay with saying no to the people and things that feel like they’re constantly taking from you. Say no frequently, firmly and consciously. And ask yourself, does this energetic exchange feel fair?
These are just four ideas to get you started on your journey of self-love! If you’re looking for even more resources, this is a topic that I dive deep into in my book – which you can get your hands on here, or order from any big book retailer to listen to on audible!
2021 is going to be your year babe, I already know it 💖
TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY 🤶 How to find joy more often🎄
🤶These feelings are normal…🤗
Firstly, it’s essential to acknowledge that these feelings are totally normal after the year we’ve all had. Life as we knew it was completely turned on its head 🤯 and we’ve seen changes in just about every aspect of our lifestyles.
A good indicator of your mental health is that you feel appropriate feelings. So don’t be angry at yourself for being overwhelmed, being stressed or feeling worried right now, because the fact that you’re even feeling those emotions means that you actually do have good mental health because those are all natural responses to the usual circumstances you’ve lived through this year.
🤶Christmas is around the corner ☃️
And we’re on the home run to the end of 2020 now. Crazy, right? It’s been a year of slowing down, surrendering and I’ve had so many breakthroughs. I’ve had the time to dismantle a lot of my self-limiting beliefs which I believe was necessary to take me to that next level and depth in life, business and relationships.
While there has been plenty of joy in my year, I also acknowledge the challenges we’ve faced too...
When I’ve stopped to ask people how they are over the past few weeks/months, the most common responses that come up are:
Overwhelmed. 😅
Worried. 😳
Uncertain. 😥
Anxious. 🥺
And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t felt these emotions too! 😅
These feelings are normal… 🤗
Firstly, it’s essential to acknowledge that these feelings are totally normal after the year we’ve all had. Life as we knew it was completely turned on its head 🤯 and we’ve seen changes in just about every aspect of our lifestyles.
A good indicator of your mental health is that you feel appropriate feelings. So don’t be angry at yourself for being overwhelmed, being stressed or feeling worried right now, because the fact that you’re even feeling those emotions means that you actually do have good mental health because those are all natural responses to the usual circumstances you’ve lived through this year.
Amongst the chaos this year, my best friend was busy growing a beautiful baby girl! There are so many positives and gifts that come from 2020. P.S I am in another pretty skirt from BABYLEMONADE. Use the discount code: BIB for 15% off!
Expanding my knowledge…
With my background in psychology, it’s no secret how passionate I am about mental health and holistic health 🙈 I recently spent a few days with leading researchers and experts in the area at “The Happiness and its Causes” Conference.
This event happens every year and is an excellent opportunity for health professionals to share the most recent positive psychology research so we can learn how to apply these findings in our lives, relationships, careers and businesses.
It was so incredible to be a part of these discussions and build my own knowledge, but what’s knowledge if it’s not shared? If people aren’t sharing the resources and information they have, how can we possibly become collectively happier and healthier?
So that’s what I’m here to do now… 💁♀
One of the leading causes of death for people my age (which is the same age as many of my followers!) is suicide. It’s obviously not a light and easy conversation to have, but it’s also a necessity with 1 in 4 sometime in our life experiencing depression.
It’s something that’s affecting all of us…🤯
And that’s why it’s essential that we talk about it 💬, share constructive strategies to go through it and even replace these feelings with more joy.
One of my favourite speakers at the event spoke about how we can find joy on demand. ❤️
And what better opportunity to talk about finding joy 💬 than the start of the jolly season🎄! So here are a few of my golden nuggets:
Tuning into the ‘Happiness and it’s causes’ Virtual Conference in another pretty dress from BABYLEMONADE. Use discount code: BIB for 15% off your Christmas and summer dress shopping👗 it's pretty much all you will see me in this summer 😉
🤶 Joy is a feeling that you feel moment to moment…
A lot of people speak about happiness, but they’re actually referring to the elated feeling of joy.
Happiness is more of your attitude or overall perspective on life…
Joy is something that you have to find and grasp onto in every moment. The most recent research is showing that you can ease yourself into these feelings, and it’s actually your brain’s default setting, so you have a sustainable source that is infinite and can be unlocked at anytime!
Many people understanding the importance of having a nourishing diet and moving their body, yet few fewer realise how important it is to look after our minds too 🙈 And meditation is one of the best ways we can do this.
Meditation can decrease cortisol levels, helps build resilience, encourages compassion and manages stress... 🧘♀
This is why we have a whole ‘mindset’ section with meditations, life coaching activities, gratitude, moon tracking, manifestation and journal prompts for our members in our holistic health program The Healthstyle Emporium so they can be empowered to nourish their mind, body and soul from the inside out.
If you are a regular meditator (which I know many of us are ❤️), you’ll notice that when you drown out the noise, you get clear, calm and still. This sense of peace is when joy comes naturally, so it’s a great way to ease yourself into it.
Even just 5 to 10 minutes a day can help… ✌️
Knowing that joy is your default state means you can find joy on any day and at any time too.
🤶 Take the opportunity to notice joy…
Joy is something that you experience in thin slices of time and space, but we’re spending so much time outside of ourselves that we’re missing the joy, we’re missing the moment.
When we don’t take the opportunity to acknowledge the joy, we don’t have the chance to enjoy the joy – especially given how short the moments of joy can be 😢
When you start noticing the moments, you can train your brain to start picking up on them more often. You have this part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS for short 🙈) which is basically a built in confirmation bias OR super power ✨ (depends how you look at it and consciously use it 😉).
If you start telling your brain what you want, it starts looking to confirm that bias. Your brain is so good at what it does that it takes short cuts to only look for the things you want it to 👀
The morning is a great time to do this...🌞
If you start your day by reflecting on your goals, highest values, writing in your gratitude journal or reading your personal mission statement, you’re activating your RAS system for the day ahead and setting yourself up to keep noticing those things.
Joy is no different! Start small and appreciate the little things, and your brain will continue to find those feelings. Use the festive season as the perfect excuse to start! 🎄 It might be watching your children laugh, cherishing the embrace of a parent or savouring the first mouthful of your pavlova 🤭
Noticing the thin slice of joy as I enjoyed a Champagne watching the sunset with my husband.
🤶 Be on the end of a kind thought.
Another interesting topic discussed at the conference was the idea of being “on the end of a kind thought”. This could mean sitting at the end of your meditation and asking yourself “Who do I want to send love to today?”, “Who do you hope is having a beautiful day?”, “Who do you need to send light or strength to today?”.
These questions are proven to uplift your spirits and can completely change your outlook on a day.
The idea came from a recent study where they were studying employees levels of satisfaction at work. Some loved their job; others couldn’t stand being there 😅 Regardless of how they felt about their role, they found they felt uplifted after setting a timer every hour and using the alarm as a reminder to stop and think a kind thought and send love to someone on his heart.
A man who was previously miserable in his job role, after this experiment reported to have had the best week of his life during the study – even though nothing actually changed in the workplace or his surroundings, he was just consistently on the end of a kind thought! 👏
Enjoying the festive season at our Babes in Business Christmas Party - in another pretty dress from BABYLEMONADE. Use discount code: BIB for 15% off your Christmas and summer dress shopping👗 told you it was all you will see me in this summer 😉
🤶Time to relax and enjoy the festive season 🎄
I honestly can’t believe we’re already in December?! It’s crazy, right? I know it’s been an overwhelming and challenging year for everyone between world pandemics, economy crashes, global warming disasters, politics and social movements… but I also think it’s been a necessary year for many of us.
And as we come towards the end of the year, there is no better time to be looking for joy in our lives, reflecting on our lessons and relishing in our blessings.
I’m hoping that you have a merry season with your loved ones and enjoy all the yummy food, drinks (I am looking forward to mum’s mango daiquiris on Christmas Day 🙊) and belly laughs!
Sending so much love from my family to yours and am so excited to see what 2021 has in store for us all.
The glorification and vilification of work ethic
You probably saw that I was celebrating my birthday recently and if I’ve ever wished you a happy birthday, you’ll know that I always ask people the same question on their birthday, “What was your biggest lesson?” 🤔… And I do the same to myself too.
You probably saw that I was celebrating my birthday recently and if I’ve ever wished you a happy birthday, you’ll know that I always ask people the same question on their birthday, “What was your biggest lesson?” 🤔… And I do the same to myself too.
Reflection of my 28th Lap around the Sun
Every year I take some time out to reflect and think about the biggest lesson I’ve personally taken from the previous 12 months.
I think it’s important to reflect as not everyone got the last 12 months so I put the time aside to think about what I did with the ones I was gifted with.
This year’s reflection on my 28th lap around the sun came with some pretty significant breakthroughs.
Lauren celebrating her birthday in another Baby Lemonade dress - use discount code ‘BIB’ for 15% off
The Abundance Code
I’ve been reading this book called ‘The Abundance Code’, and it’s challenging me to ponder on my own self-limiting beliefs 🙈.
For many of us, it’s been a year of surrendering, which is what led me to create a little blog series called, The Surrender Project. I’m using this blog to talk about what I’ve learnt throughout 2020, and I’ve shared my thoughts on learning to surrender, discarding beliefs that no longer serve me and how to battle my self limiting beliefs 👊 in business, marriage, money and life.
My Journal 🖊️
While journaling on my birthday, my breakthrough started because I *thought* one of my biggest self-limiting beliefs 👊 was the idea that you have to trade time for money.
I know that’s not true logically because obviously, I’ve created a business that offers lots of different residual and passive income streams, so I don’t always have to trade my time for my money 🤷♀️.
But over the last 12 months, I’ve really noticed that I have this guilt around slowing down because something unconsciously tells me that the only way to be successful is to keep working hard, like I had for the first couple of years in my business.
I used to take pride in the fact I have a great work ethic and all my success I have had - nothing was handed to me - I worked hard to create it for myself, by myself...
This reflection happened around the same time that I hit a massive professional goal and pinnacle leadership position within my company called EMD being the same week as my birthday.
My Work Ethic 💪
It’s really interesting because as I was getting recognised, I was getting a lot of beautiful messages celebrating me. Something that kept coming up was comments like “I don’t know anyone more deserving”, “You’re a unicorn Lauren!” or “I don’t know anyone that works as hard as you, you’ve got such a great work ethic.”.
These kind messages reminded me that people also know me for my work ethic but it also made me feel guilty because I don’t feel like I work that hard anymore! 😳 It is like ‘working hard’ makes someone deserve respect and their success. Work ethic is like a yard stick we use to measure our respect for ourselves and others.
Was I still deserving of my success?
Graph of the HSE Bonus Rewards Scale
All these comments also made me realise that ‘hustling’ isn’t cool anymore.
For most people it feels unattainable and not something people aspire to do (including myself). A few years ago there was a glorification around working ourselves as hard as physically possible, yet the last two years I have realised it’s just not sustainable (especially for women as we aren’t wired the same as men - we are cyclical)…
and instead being “in flow” is the new cool... 😎
I’m all for flow! But I do think it means in the process of making it cool, we’ve now also built a vilification around ‘hustle’ – It’s no longer sexy to hustle. I’ve noticed within my business it can be really polarising to have work ethic because a lot of people say they can’t do what I do, or that they just don’t want to do what I do.
It’s like ‘hustle’ has become a dirty word and women are no longer inspired by hustle, working hard or work ethic. Comments like this trigger me because I genuinely don’t think you have to work hard to be deserving of your success.
But - because I am a straight shooter and I care about your success, you can trust me to tell you the truth and not just what you want to hear that is going to make you feel comfortable, trust me when I say those people who are enjoying ‘flow’ had a season where they hustled.
To achieve anything or get anything off the ground 🚀, you need to have commitment and energy💪. It’s going to take a burst of inspired action, and you might have a bit of strategic imbalance for a while as you create what you want, but it won’t stay that way forever.
Although I threw a lot of energy into my business at the start, and it was ‘harder’ in the early days, it was only tough because I was building up an income around a full-time job. If I didn’t have the work ethic to get started and continue to show up even when didn’t feel like it (lets be honest most days it would have been easier to sit on the couch after work), I never would have gotten anywhere, let alone where I am now.
It didn’t stay that way though, because I was in flow and I loved what I was doing, I persisted, I mastered the skills I needed to grow my business and as my confidence grew so did my income. I simply believe that you need to have a passion and put in the hard yards to set yourself up, and the rest will follow naturally ✨.
Consistent Work
The last two years of my work haven’t been ‘hard’. Yes I’ve been consistent. I’ve been passionate. I’ve been committed to my growth and stepping out of my comfort zone, taking inspired action and having uncomfortable conversations (those things come hand in hand with leadership).
But I have also had good boundaries, I’ve scheduled my joy every day and have made sure I’ve prioritised my own health and happiness. I don’t believe that takes away from my success at all. My income continues to grow, and I keep creating more white space, new opportunities and freedom 👏.
So if this self-limiting belief wasn’t coming from the idea that I had to swap time for money, what was it? 🤔
Lauren Kerr at the Beach - Babes in Business
If you come from a family that is very abundant and very wealthy, very rarely will you stop and consider if you are worthy of it.
You’re born into it, so you don’t doubt if you’re deserving, you just accept that it’s the way things are 💁♀️.
Are you Worthy of Success?
The flip side of that is that when people like me come into money or start creating money that they don’t necessarily have to work as hard for, you start feeling like it’s a dishonest way of life.
It’s almost like you think that you’re cheating the system or doing something wrong because you’re not working hard to create it, despite seeing so many of your loved one’s working hard their whole lives.
This realisation has been my biggest breakthrough because I acknowledge that this has been my blockage.
I did have the belief that work ethic equals worthiness and I needed to flip it. it was no longer serving me. Because when I dig deeper, I do know that you can create more and do less, business can be easy, wealth can come easy - And none of those things makes you less deserving of it 🙌.
Real talk, though. I still do honestly believe that getting anything up off the ground, in order to create flow and build abundance; you do have to have some work ethic or hustle at the start to get momentum. As well as then needing the skills and confidence to maintain it.
My advice for you is that if you’re working hard on something, make sure that it’s something that brings you joy or will mean you won’t have to ‘work hard’ long term.
My highest value is time freedom and flexibility 👐 So, I worked hard for a season, which was only around 2 to 4 hours on top of my full-time job each day to get my business off the ground and build that residual income stream.
But I only ‘worked hard’ so that I didn’t have to continue to work at that level, pace or intensity forever. I want to spend my time with my friends and family, with my future kids enjoying being a stay at home mum, relaxing, at the beach, prioritising my own health and happiness and more time researching, reading and writing.
Lauren Kerr on a blowup swan in the pool
What is ‘hard work’ anyway?
Maintaining your efforts and committing to being consistent to get a side hustle or business off the ground whilst juggling a job is hard. But is staying in a job where you commute 2 hours a day, miss magical moments, have a capped income, feel unfulfilled, uninspired and hungry for more, but do nothing about it…any easier?
There is a big difference between ‘working hard’ and ‘hard work’. Yes I ‘worked hard’ for a season to set myself up and get momentum in my business and build my brand, but it wasn’t ‘hard work’.
If you align yourself with your highest values and passions and work out a way to either monetise them or create a lifestyle so you can enjoy them - you want to show up and put the work in. Because it’s important to you.
There are three currencies in life:
1. Money 💰
2. Audience or your relationships (your network) ❤️
3. Time 🕐
I believe you need to leverage off at least two of those currencies to create the third one.
For example you leverage off your time and audience to create money (either by selling a service or product).
You leverage off your audience and money (by outsourcing, hiring employees or paying for systems to automate) to create time.
You leverage off your money and time (by investing in your network) to create more audience and be connected or introduced to other high achievers or world thought leaders / influencers / business owners.
When I first started, I didn’t have the money, but I had the time, so I focused on building and investing in my relationships with content and value to create the money. And now I use my money and audience to create the time I was missing.
Whatever goal you’re working towards, remember the difference between working hard and hard work.
If these are goals that align with you and your highest values, you should be in a feeling of flow. After your season of strategic imbalance, where you go all in, and you work a little bit harder than you usually do, you won’t have to continue this way of life forever.
Lauren Kerr out with girl friends in another Baby Lemonade Dress. Use discount code: BIB for 15% off!
Are your beliefs outdated?
Did you realise that you carried the same belief that work ethic equals worthiness?
Not only does work ethic not equal worthiness, but you don’t need to find your worthiness in what you do for work either 🤩.
Money that comes easy isn’t dishonest - it’ smart!
There are so many ways to create wealth these days that no longer require you to trade your time or work hard for it.
Beliefs are just thoughts you keep thinking.
They are tools to help you get where you want to go. When you’re experiencing frustration in an any area of your life, it usually means there is an old belief system that needs to be updated and when you’re being triggered in any area of your life, it usually means someone or something has contradicted one of your beliefs.
So here are some tips to help you rewire yours to help you have your own breakthrough:
Identify the belief that is no longer serving you.
Weaken that belief by looking for evidence of the contrary to prove to yourself that belief is no longer true.
Override that belief by getting clear on the new one you want to keep thinking, the one that is going to help you get to your next level. Write it out daily as an affirmation until you believe it. Get as much proof and evidence as required to convince yourself of the new belief when you have doubts.
And if you’re struggling to get your head around your new belief just remember that you believed in Santa for 10-years, so beliefs can change! They’re just thoughts, not facts.
So in saying that personally right now, I’m working on:
Continuing to look for evidence to prove that money, success, and business can be easy.
Writing and reading my new affirmation daily - Let it be easy. My business and wealth continue to grow with ease while I focus on joy!
I will stop asking people what do they do for work when getting to know them and instead ask them questions like ‘What do you do for fun? What do you want to consciously create this year? What do you dream about? What are you passionate about?
Likewise, when people ask me what I do - I will respond with ‘Do you mean with my time or for money?’
I hope this serves you! If it reminded you of a gf or bizz bestie be sure to forward it to them too!
A big thanks again for sharing my 28th lap around the sun with me…it’s been wild! Excited to see what the next 12 months have in store for us all!
Love always your biggest cheerleader and friend,
Go the extra mile - it's less crowded as Featured on Griffith University
I wanted to chat to you about something I've been thinking a lot about lately – going the extra mile. You've probably all heard someone say, "go the extra mile because it's less crowded" and its something that I've been really pondering on personally, as well as professionally when I coach women through their own breakthroughs so I did an IGTV story about it this week.
I've come to realise that plenty of people don't see the power in going the extra mile. I believe that's because so many people underestimate themselves and overestimate everybody else. They also overestimate what they can achieve in the next year and underestimate what they can achieve in the next ten years.
It has been an amazing year and you might of heard recently about my recent feature article on the Griffith University website. I have been trying to spread my positive influence to the younger crowds and this was the ideal topic I thought that would make a difference to younger women.
Here is my article: Go the Extra Mile as Featured on the Griffith University website.
“Hey guys,
It's been a while since I dropped in, but I wanted to chat to you about something I've been thinking a lot about lately – going the extra mile. You've probably all heard someone say, "go the extra mile because it's less crowded" and its something that I've been really pondering on personally, as well as professionally when I coach women through their own breakthroughs so I did an IGTV story about it this week.
I've come to realise that plenty of people don't see the power in going the extra mile. I believe that's because so many people underestimate themselves and overestimate everybody else. They also overestimate what they can achieve in the next year and underestimate what they can achieve in the next ten years.
These people don't realise that in just committing to their goal and showing up, they're going to go further than everybody else around them. If you think about it logically, when you're ahead of everybody else, you're going to have more chance of success.
Going the extra mile in my own life.
When I thought about this in my own life, I started thinking about everything that I've achieved – personal goals, professional goals, financial and business milestones. If you know me, you know that I'm not that special! I may be book smart but not street smart (I can be quite the blondie!). I've got great work ethic, and I'm pretty resilient, but I'm really just that girl next door. I didn't come from money but I am white, and I grew up in the Western World, so I am aware that I have plenty of privileges that I am so grateful to have.
But there's nothing that I have that is stopping you from having it too. It's not that I'm special or I have a certain characteristic or trait that you don't have. What I do have is the commitment to take the action that most people won't.
Just take my book, for example. How many people out there want to write a book? Since publishing my book, so many people have come up to me asking me how I did it because they want to write a book too. I know that anyone can write a book and it's a dream for many. The only difference for me is that I worked out the tangible steps along the way that could make me one of the few people that actually did what they said they wanted to.
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - sitting with her new book
What did those steps look like?
Firstly, obviously yes you've got to have an idea – and that's probably the most challenging part. Your idea could be something that relates to your credentials, your background or your story. We all have a story - never underestimate the power of yours.
Next, you need to put time aside to write the book. Most of us have jobs, families and other commitments, which means life is already pretty busy and stressful. If you don't consciously set aside time to write, the chances are that it probably won't happen.
Then, you've just got to start. A lot of us spend too much time in our head getting ready to get ready…and never actually start – and that can relate to plenty of things in life, not just writing a book.
Once you get started, your focus needs to be on finishing. So many people set out with a desire, a vision or a dream but the hard work and effort become too much, and they never end up finishing.
After reflecting on these steps, I've realised that this process is how I've achieved everything in my life so far. I went the extra mile, I committed the time, I got started, and I finished. But then, what really helped me get to where I am is having resilience. I submitted my book to plenty of publishers, and I got lots of nos. I think it was six months until I heard back from someone that said they loved my book, believed in me and wanted to give me a chance. I mean, I got two offers from 30, which is 28 nos!
So many people out there would take that sort of rejection personally and just give up on their goal and dreams. Who cares if someone else doesn't believe in your vision?! If I like the colour blue and you like the colour green, does that mean I should stop liking blue?
There are tens of thousands of people around the world that have read my content, and the reality is that not everybody is going to like what I do. I need to be okay with judgement, criticism and opposition because it's just inevitable.
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - enjoying the day outside
The ripple effect of going the extra mile.
There have been so many points on my journey where I could have given up because I was too scared or it was too hard or I simply just didn't have the time or I was worried about what people were going to think. Now that I can wake up every morning and look at all the photos that you beautiful people tag me in of you reading my book or consuming my content, it reminds me of the ripple effect of choosing to go the extra mile and backing myself.
My book is just one example and as I look back at my life, every chapter, milestone or achievement, I realise that the secret ingredient in every one of these instances is just going the extra mile, committing to walking a little further where most don’t dare to go…so they don’t - but I do, which makes my chances of success even greater!
Another moment in my life that reflects this idea is when I moved to the Gold Coast 10 years ago. Some of you might know that the reason I moved 14-hours away from my family and hometown was that I got a scholarship to study at university. And this significant change was no different.
The only reason I got the scholarship was that I backed myself and I applied for it. I am confident that there would have been plenty of equally deserving candidates; the only difference was that I didn’t allow my self judgment or ego get in the way. There was no self evaluation of whether I was ‘good enough’ or ‘worthy’. I just filled out the application without any emotional attachment.
Me applying isn’t me ‘thinking I am amazing’ or better than anyone else. It’s more logical (and statistical) and understanding that most people feel like they aren’t worthy and let their brain manipulate them so they don't apply.
You have better odds and more chance of winning or receiving the position merely just by putting yourself forward to be considered. Rather than sitting back with the masses who spend a lot of time talking about what they don't want instead of taking opportunities and risks to create something they do.
What do they say…you’ve got to be in the lottery to win it?
I can't promise you that I'm going to be good at everything I pick up. I can promise you that I'm going to try and I'm going to go the extra mile because I made a commitment to myself and to the people that I'm making commitments to. I maintained that approach throughout university, and I ended up receiving another scholarship to study in Hawaii, graduating with honours.
Since then honouring this philosophy has manifested in me gaining a graduate position in child protection, starting a network marketing business which totally transformed my life and lifestyle, talking on stages around the world in front of thousands of people, writing and publishing a book.
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - standing on stage in front of a crowd
It's not about thinking I'm special or thinking that I am above everybody else, it's just a promise I make to the people around me and a guiding principle in absolutely everything I do. Anyway, like I said. I have always done this.
And some of the best things of my life have come from saying yes and exploring new opportunities instead of letting fear of rejection or failure keep you stagnate in the same place whinging and moaning about how you aren’t where you want to be.
When we go the extra mile, we inspire others to do the same.
I also proved the power of going the extra mile to my little brother. My brother got an AFL 100% tuition and accommodation scholarship for construction management at Bond University - that's a pretty fancy degree at a very prestigious university on the Gold Coast! And it's the same thing.
He's just the dude next door, and we're not anything special (sorry bro). He simply backed himself capitalised on his strengths of AFL, leadership, empathy and community work to level out his academic marks. I'm not saying that everyone can get a scholarship (or even wants one), I am saying that you don't know what you can achieve if you never put yourself in the ring.
It's not about being 110% all the time. Imagine if you just gave your best in that very moment consistently? Wherever you are in your life right now, you can always go the extra mile and open a new door or discover a unique opportunity. I promise you that everyone else is sitting there watching the people around them and thinking, ‘I can't do that’, so why not be the person who puts their hand up and says ‘I’ll try’…or even better ‘I’ll learn’.
The Bystander Effect.
You know I'm all about research and backing up what I say with studies, and there is a psychological phenomenon called the Bystander Effect. If you Google it, you'll discover that it sadly came about when a lady was being murdered.
Numerous people heard her getting attacked, yet nobody did anything about it because they all thought someone else would do something. This woman had been screaming for hours, by the time anyone did anything about it she was already dead. The larger the group of people, the easier it is for responsibility to be dissolved.
Take radical responsibility for your life and your results.
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - holding a flower in a grass field
The Impact
I'm seeing the impact of the Bystander Effect right now with an incentive that I'm running with the beautiful women I mentor. It's a competition, and most started really strong because they overestimated what they were willing to commit to and what they could achieve short term.
By the end, they starting to slow down because they weren’t getting the level of results they had hoped for, they underestimated what they could achieve long term and overestimated others thinking that everyone else was doing better than them. So they give up. I see time and time again with competitions like this that it's not the people that perform incredibly well that end up winning, it's the ones that commit to showing up and being consistent that do.
It blows my mind because it's always seems to be the everyday people that just commit to going that extra mile that are successful - not because of their skills, but mainly because no-one else is there to compete with them.
Don’t be the Bystander
So next time there is an opportunity, a scholarship, an idea – don't be the bystander. Don't overestimate what everyone else is doing. Apply. Take responsibility. Put your hand up. Be the person that shows up. Be the leader.
Go the extra mile and take that opportunity without the emotional attachment or judgment. I promise that most people start things and they don't finish them, so then just even by completing the task, you're already ahead of the game (and most of the people trying to play it!).”
It’s not everyday that I get to share such amazing information with a younger generation of up and coming women. I really hope I have inspired a young group of women to have more confidence in themselves to have a go and not let opportunities pass you by.
Morning Rituals: How to take responsibility for your state
Plenty of the women I mentor are curious about how I start my day, and I’m always asked about my morning routine (especially on featured podcasts - it seem’s to be a favourite rapid fire question). To be honest, I didn’t really have a meaningful morning routine when I had a full-time job. I didn’t even really become aware of the importance of starting your day with purposeful rituals until I started my own business. Before then, like many people, I would roll out of bed, get ready for work and go through the same motions every day – without having any real intention about how I wanted the rest of the day to follow.
Plenty of the women I mentor are curious about how I start my day, and I’m always asked about my morning routine (especially on featured podcasts - it seem’s to be a favourite rapid fire question). To be honest, I didn’t really have a meaningful morning routine when I had a full-time job. I didn’t even really become aware of the importance of starting your day with purposeful rituals until I started my own business. Before then, like many people, I would roll out of bed, get ready for work and go through the same motions every day – without having any real intention about how I wanted the rest of the day to follow.
Mindset is everything…
My mindset has really evolved over the last four years, and I definitely notice a difference the days I do my morning routine, and the days I don’t. My mornings are by no means perfect. My practices won’t be for everyone, either. But I am hoping that by giving you an insight into my rituals, you’ll be able to create your own (I shared these tips on my IG TV earlier this week if you would love to listen instead of read).
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - Standing near Garden
It’s incredible how many people can start their day feeling really inspired and excited yet finish their day in a completely different frame of mind. I’ve noticed that having a morning routine helps me be more responsible rather than reactive. These seemingly small actions can make such a difference when it comes to having control over your intention and your mood.
It's all about getting started, so here is an insight into my mornings:
No-phones in the bedroom…
Try sleeping with your phone outside of your bedroom. A lot of us are bringing our phone into the bedroom at night, we’re leaving it next to us, and we’re sitting in the scroll hole long after we intended to go to sleep. When our alarms go off in the morning, we’re hitting snooze before going back into the scroll-hole again.
That is quite possibly the worst way you can start your day! Hopping on your phone first thing in the morning can make you feel really low because you’re already beating yourself up and playing the comparison game without even being conscious about it. When you start your day worried about trying to meet societies unrealistic standards of success and beauty, you’re never going to start your day feeling inspired, abundant or fuelled to make accomplishments with your day.
Turn notifications off…
Even when we sleep with our phones in another room, the first thing we see when we eventually pick it up is the stream of notifications that came in overnight. You’ll see who liked your photo, who posted on Instagram, the latest work email or even just a string of news updates.
Stay Focused…
The key to running my online business is that I never turn any of my notifications on – it’s the only way I can stay sane! I might have one hundred messages between Instagram, Facebook, Emails, Telegram and Whatsapp, but I don’t actually know.
When we turn our notifications off, our phones become a tool that we use, rather than a tool that uses us. It gives us the freedom to set up our day and create our own intentions before other people try and tell us what to do and how to spend our time. This is particularly important first thing in the morning because it will set a good standard for the rest of the day.
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - Standing stretching on the beach
Get Moving…
Movement is such an essential part of my morning. It doesn’t really matter how I move my body, but I think the importance of moving comes down to the release of endorphins which naturally make you feel better. Movement increases your serotonin, decreases your cortisol levels and its often when we feel most inspired, creative and confident.
Whether it’s a slow walk, yoga, the gym, run or a swim, it’s helpful to find something you enjoy. This part of your day should not be about punishing your body but about celebrating the fact that you can move it.
Start Meditating…
If you’re new to meditation, this might sounds a bit strange or uncomfortable, but I promise that meditation is probably the number one thing you can do when it comes to your mental health. Our brains are just like our biceps – It’s a muscle that needs to be nurtured and cared for.
Too many of us aren’t using the muscle; we’re letting the muscle use us. Instead of hating your brain for always comparing you to other people, worrying or for constantly running a million miles an hour, we need to be grateful that it’s doing that. It’s doing it’s job. You don’t get angry at your bicep for helping you carry the groceries up the stairs do you?
Self Talk…
We also need to realise that those thoughts aren’t us. They are just your muscle’s by product. Those thoughts are your brain’s self-talk, who you are is the spirit / soul / heart listening to the self-talk and observing it…and it’s essential to separate the two.
Meditation helps your quieten your mind, which is the first step in separating yourself from the noise going on. Your brain is never going to stop whirling through all those thoughts at once. Meditation is a rare opportunity for you to have a moment to yourself, to drown out the noise, get out of your head and connect with your heart.
It can feel a bit awkward or funny to get started, so I would suggest using an app to get started. The meditations and masterclasses inside our program the Healthstyle Emporium have really helped me. A free app that I also love is ‘Insight Timer’. It’s a great place to start with 2-minute guided meditations, and you can quite quickly build your way up to 10 minutes or even longer (30 minutes guided mediation is about as long as I can go!)
Credit: Lauren Kerr Babes in Business - Meditating on the beach
Simple steps to help your morning routine
The most successful morning routines are often the ones that build on small but meaningful rituals, just like these. When I make an effort to wake up a little earlier, sleep without my phone, have my notifications switched off and then move my body and meditate, nourish my body with whole foods - the change in my mindset for the rest of the day is truly incredible.
After I finish my morning routines, I like to set my intentions. While I’m a big fan of goal setting, I’m also mindful of making sure I’m living in alignment with my goals and highest values every single day.
You can try our free happiness test, and this is a really great tool to help you work out what your five highest values are. I do this test every year because your values are going to change. You evolve and change as you interact with life, meet new people and have new experiences.
When I do the test at the start of the year and work out what my values are, I set goals under each of the values. Some of them are big goals to achieve, and some of them are little goals to help maintain my efforts in certain aspects of my life.
These goals are then printed and stuck on my bathroom mirror. That means that after I finish moving my body, meditating and going through my morning routine, I’ll start getting ready for the day in the bathroom and while I do that, I am literally looking straight at my goals.
How many people do you know that set goals at the start of the year but then forget about them? Maybe you’re one of those people! Well, it’s pretty hard to forget my goals when I see them every day!
Seeing these goals is a really good way to check in with myself each morning, and ensure I’m making at least one step each day to move closer towards one of those goals. These mini-check ins will also make you feel like you have purpose, direction, progress and momentum.
Checking in to make sure that I also am living in alignment with my values everyday helps ensure that I happily achieve - instead of feeling the need to achieve to be happy.
My journaling takes me about five to ten minutes every morning, and it’s an opportunity for me to write down what I am grateful for. If I don’t do this in the morning, I like to come back to it at night.
This gratitude journal means that not only am I setting intentions and being responsible for my mood and my state, but I am also really grounding myself and ensuring that I am still in the present. In the 21st Century, we’re all operating at such a high speed that we can miss what’s happening right in front of us.
When we’re too focussed on the future or the goals we’ve set, we will live in a state of unconscious anxiety and comparison, where we never feel like we’re good enough or where we ‘are supposed’ to be. The only way to manage the two opposing ways of thinking is to ensure we make time to ground in the present too.
When you find the balance, you’ll discover that you actually get more done in less time because you’re in flow and present giving your best, rather than multi-tasking and being scattered feeling like you’re constantly trying to catch up and get where you need to be.
If you want to play around with your morning routine, music is another epic option. I go through certain seasons of my life where I'm really focussed on a specific goal, or I find myself in a strategic imbalance because I'm really hustling for something.
If you've read my book, you'll know about neurolinguistic programming and the importance of certain things like vision boards, visualisation, mental rehearsal and music. If you can tap into certain senses, your body actually doesn't know the difference between you thinking you're doing something and you actually doing it.
A really cool way to be in charge of your state and energy is emotionally connecting with your vision board as part of your morning ritual, or finding a song that emotionally charges you.
There is this one song, and every time it plays, I have this vision of me achieving specific goals, and it leaves me feeling so fired up and passionate and makes those dreams feel so much closer as I can embody all those emotions now - through the music.
If you can find a song that has an effect on you like that, it will bring about the emotions you want now. This will make you achieve your goals quicker because it's almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy and gets you taking the inspired action that the ‘next level’ version of you would take as you start to tap into that energy and state now.
You'll be just a little bit bolder, you will have the courage to take action you might not have usually taken, and you show up in the world with the same level of conviction, posture and confidence as that next level of you who has everything they need within them to make those dreams a reality. Time just needs to catch up.
This is how manifestation works. Connect and feel those feelings now. Experience the depth of your life, not just the breadth.
Enjoy playing around with your morning routine, if you do try some of these strategies let me know how you go. I love hearing from you guys. Make your mornings sacred. Prioritise them and protect them. Get excited to have 30 juicy minutes to yourself first thing in the morning before everyone else try’s to take them from you.
Send this to a girlfriend that may need a little reminder to put herself first, first!
Chat soon,
LIFE AFTER COVID: Finding your flow again and working out what you should do next
I realise how important it is to slow down when I need to. I've been journaling a lot during the past few weeks, and it's made me realise that this rest isn't a choice. I'm not sure if I was on the verge of burn out, but I just have no more gas left in the tank – mentally, spiritually and physically.
Hey guys!
If you've been following my Instagram posts and stories over the past few weeks, you'll know that I am in an interesting season of life right now. As we all are - I too, am working through my own shit.
You know you guys can always rely on me to be real and raw with you so I wanted to take the time to drop in, give a little life update and share with you what I’m currently navigating, as well as a few strategies I'm using to reconnect with my intuition.
Anyone else here a recovering human doing?
Image of Lauren Kerr on a Podcast
It seriously feels like I've been hustling my butt off for the last 10 years. I went straight from school to university on a scholarship. I was juggling multiple jobs whilst studying Psychology at university striving to get into honours. Next, my focus was on getting a job, but when I got my job in child protection, I enrolled to study life coaching on the side and started my my side-hustle.
Then I spent 18 months pouring all my energy into getting my business off the ground to replace my full time income. I’ve spent the last three years investing in my personal and professional growth, mentoring thousands of women how to master their mindset and create a life on their own terms, writing and publishing my book ‘Life Above Zero' and continuing to pour my soul, sweat and tears into my business in order to duplicate that success and keep the momentum going…
After what might seem online like an ‘overnight success’, is actually 10 years of pushing, striving, pursuing and doing… and now I've been gifted with the time to stop and breathe, and just ‘be’ and enjoy the fruits of my labour and the residual income I have been able to create with the network marketing profession.
It sounds pretty relaxing right?
Well, in theory, it should be. But I'm the sort of person that thrives off doing. I find flow and fulfilment in setting goals and then achieving those goals – all at a million miles an hour. It might sound odd to a lot of you but stopping and trusting in the future, the universe and its divine timing is uncomfortable for me.
Learning to slow down and relinquish control…
Although I'm not very good at it, I realise how important it is to slow down when I need to. I've been journaling a lot during the past few weeks, and it's made me realise that this rest isn't a choice. I'm not sure if I was on the verge of burn out, but I just have no more gas left in the tank – mentally, spiritually and physically.
I think it's quite a familiar feeling among creatives. When you're creating something, whether it's music, writing, art or anything else, you often feel so inspired and driven, that you become all-consumed. Then, when you finish your masterpiece, you're left feeling a little empty, lost and confused.
Babes in Business Podcast
In my case – I've spent what feels like forever working on my book! Then when COVID-19 hit, everything was thrown out. I was no longer in control and could not push anything…shipments got stuck overseas; I couldn't record my audiobook as my flight to record interstate had been cancelled with my publisher, bookstores couldn't order my book and connecting with overseas suppliers was pretty tough.
But here I am learning to trust the universes divine timing and I am excited to announce my audiobook is now available on Audible and launches on the 12th of July, and the book will start popping up in book stores over the coming months.
So now that chapter is done, and out of my control, I'm left asking myself – what do I do next?!
To help with the changing of seasons and to reconnect with my flow, I've been trying something a little different:
My Surrender Project.
The Science of Flow…
You'll hear me talking about flow a lot, and it might sound wishy-washy, but there is actually science behind it.
It's called the Art of Fulfillment and the Science of Flow. I've got a Free Masterclass if you'd like to learn a little bit more about that. Basically, research shows that people need to create specific circumstances in order to feel particular emotions. Being in these situations is also a massive predictor of fulfilment. So, if you're not feeling fulfilment right now, it could be because you're not creating conditions where you can find your flow.
My Surrender Project…
My Surrender Project is about identifying what brings me joy, allowing abundance without the guilt that I am no longer hustling for it and unpacking my own self limiting beliefs around the need to run at one million miles an hour. Here are some of the things that are helping so far:
Every morning ask yourself: What would feel good today? Some days I book my hair in to get done, other days I might swap the gym for a nice walk, and sometimes it's about baking a banana cake and calling my best friend. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time, but it can make a huge difference.
Another thing that has helped me is asking myself these three questions:
a. Do I trust and believe in my big vision? My Free Happiness test can help you find clarity in this goal and identify how you can work towards a goal that you believe in and aligns with your values if you don't feel like you have a vision right now.
b. Are your needs met today? Do you have what you need to put food on the table, have a roof over your head and do you feel safe?
c. If so, then what is the next aligned step? This question has really helped me lean into the actions that feel right and allow me to experience more flow and connect with my gut / intuition / inner truth.
I am a very logical, rational and science-based person (hence why Life Above Zero is about making spirituality science) but I do believe that we're all here because we've got something we're meant to do. Sometimes we make it so complicated because we let what's rational or logical get in the way of taking the next inspired step towards that vision.
So another strategy that has been helping me work out my next move is to ask myself what I can give, rather than what I can receive. Because so often we make decisions and take action based on what we will receive in return for doing it e.g. money, recognition, accolades.
But this strategy flips that on its head and makes you realise you have already received, look around at everything you have been gifted with; life, health, love, relationships etc.
So rather than feeling like you have to do something in order to receive something in return, now you have already received, what would you like to give?
When you come from that space; what would you love to give, contribute or create out of choice, inspiration, flow and alignment?
Putting pen to paper again…
The result of my time of reflection is that I'm spending every morning writing. It feels so good to be connected and in flow again. It could be my next book, who knows!
I'm toying with the idea of calling it "The Surrender Project: The Diary of a Recovering Human Doing" and just share the journey, the inner workings of my crazy mind and the things I'm doing to rewire my workaholic brain, the strategies and activities that I've been exploring and the magic that unfolds from learning how to relinquish control and surrender to faith instead.
Let me know if you guys would love me to share those journal entries with you has I continue to surrender and navigate this next chapter in hope it might help you fellow human doings too.
Until then - Hopefully, these tips serve you and will help you find your flow again and work out what your next move is navigating life after COVID! I’ll keep leaning into My Surrender Project, and following the breadcrumbs.
Keep an eye out for my book too! Make sure you tag me in your photos if you see it in a book store close to you. I have been loving hearing what you guys are taking from the book.
Chat soon,
Why most people are dissatisfied with their jobs
I think a lot of it has to do with work life balance. Once upon a time, work for most of us, was done living life. It was hunting, growing and cooking our food, teaching our children, building our homes - we would have time for joy, connection, family, the outdoors, exercise and hobbys sprinkled throughout our day. 🌻🍃
Did you know 80% of people are dissatisfied in their jobs?
The average person works 90,000 hours in his life - that's a long time to be miserable!
How did we get here?
I think a lot of it has to do with work life balance. Once upon a time, work for most of us, was done living life. It was hunting, growing and cooking our food, teaching our children, building our homes - we would have time for joy, connection, family, the outdoors, exercise and hobbys sprinkled throughout our day. 🌻🍃
Now most people have 8-10 hours a day where work is separate and at the expense of things that bring them joy and happiness. It doesn't help that in the USA workers only take an average of 50% of their paid vacation days.
🤯 That's crazy! You've got 90,000 hours to knock out, take the chance to chill on the beach when someone gives it to you or just stay at home and relax, spend time with your family, friends, enjoying Hobbies or do sweet fuck all with no obligation! 😎
Lauren on a rope swing
It's even sadder in Japan where 10,000 workers per year drop at their desks as a result of 60 to 70 hour work weeks 😢 - the phenomenon so prevalent that it even has a name "Karoshi".
I think the biggest problem with all the dissatisfaction is that in most cases people are bringing the wrong mentality and the wrong expectations into their workplace.
Yes we all have to work, yes we need money, yes there will be not so fun parts in every job, yes it helps to find something you enjoy and are passionate about and try figure out a way to monetise it. But have and enjoy life OUTSIDE OF WORK, make time for it, prioritise it and protect it!
But most people think if they work long enough and make enough money eventually whatever happiness they are postponing will just sort of arrive. If that were true then why is it studies show that the peak of income that correlates to happiness is $83,000?
🤔 There is no amount of work you would do, that will finally make the work go away and definitely no amount of money you can make that will solve all your problems. And the sooner you realise that, the sooner you can look for happiness in places where it might actually be found. ✨
Inspired by Aubrey Marcus’s book / Own the day, Own your life.
Pstttt have you ordered your copy of my book yet?
They should start arriving this week! I can’t wait to break down some of the myths for you around happiness, what it is, what it isn’t and where you can actually find that fulfilment most of us are chasing.
You can grab your copy here! Be sure to send me a photo when yours arrives and share with me your biggest break throughs and take aways.
The 7 books that shifted my mindset around money and changed my life - literally!
7 books that have transformed my relationship with money.
because trust me when I say - I’ve definitely come along way since first starting my business four years ago. I never actually even thought of starting a business! I had gone through school and studied really hard to get a scholarship.
I wanted to share with you guys
7 books that have transformed my relationship with money.
because trust me when I say - I’ve definitely come along way since first starting my business four years ago. I never actually even thought of starting a business! I had gone through school and studied really hard to get a scholarship.
I was the first in my family to go to university and I did my Bachelor of Psychology degree before then completing my honours and writing my thesis. I assumed that I would spend the next 50 years making my way up the corporate ladder working as a health professional.
These are some of the books that personally helped me shift my mindset and essentially pivot and change my life (literally) in case you’re somebody who wants to work on your relationship with money or maybe before this email you weren't even aware you could 'have a relationship’ with money.
But first a disclaimer: I’m not getting paid any commissions or receiving any kickbacks by sharing these books with you.
Hand on my heart…
These books and people have helped me transform and change not only my mindset with money but my life; from working 50-60 hours a week being stuck in four walls, feeling like a hamster trying to keep up in the rat race spending three hours a day bumper-to-bumper on the highway, to now being able to work from any where in the world, whether it's the beach, snuggled up in bed or visiting family AND be in control of my self and net worth rather than leaving it up to someone else to tell me how much I am worth per hour.
This really helped me change the way I thought about money. I’ve always thought I would just be trading my time working my way up the corporate ladder (I wasn't too phased because let's face it - I had time on my side as an ambitious twenty-one year old!).
So I knew it might take me ten years or so, but one day I'll make good money outworking and stepping over my fellow employees to compete for pay rises and promotions.
This book made me realise how much of an asset I was to the government and business owners to have me working on creating their dreams and financial futures.
This book was a massive wake up call realising if I spent the next 10 years as a committed and loyal employee as I had intended to (as initially I aspired to be working as a clinical psychologist in the Army) it wasn’t going to get me where I wanted to be in regards to the values that are important to me and the lifestyle I personally wanted to create for myself and my future family.
2. Rich Woman - by Kim Kiyosaki.
This book is my all time favourite because it goes into the research and statistics as to why it’s important for women to not only feel comfortable to talk about money but also to understand wealth creation and have financial literacy.
It highlighted the sad and unfortunately common implications of women who do not know how to invest money let alone manage the money they already have.
This is a biggie for me and a massive mission behind our business and brand "Babes in Business" empowering women with financial literacy and helping them create smart income streams of their own.
3. The Barefoot Investor - by Scott Pape.⠀
This is extra good if you're from Australia as it's more of a practical book teaching you how to manage your money and how to get ahead financially.
He teaches you how to set up all your different bank accounts so you've got enough money to live and have fun but also to invest and have long-term security and savings.
This personally really helped me have a better relationship with money so I could put my cash flow on autopilot and not be reactive or emotional about it. That’s how we saved the house deposit for first home, paid for our wedding in cash and travel the world debt free.
4. The Four Year Career - by Richard Bliss Brooke.
I can actually get this book cheaper for you as my bestie + bizz partner Chani stars in the latest edition after sharing her story of what she was able to create with Babes in Business and her financial future in a short three years.
This book was powerful because it introduced me to the Network Marketing Profession and really showed me how I could have more leverage with my time.
I knew I was going to work the next 50 years as a great employee and be a great asset to anyone’s business because I took pride in my work and I realised that this profession and this business model was a smarter way for me to get more in return for my investment of time, energy, love, discipline, sacrifice and my work ethic.
This was pivotal for me because it helped educate me a little bit more about the network marketing profession as I had never been exposed to before, it casted a vision of what it could possibly be for me and my family.
5. Beach Money - by Jordan Adlar
This was a book I stumbled across a few years ago which introduced me to the concept of 'residual income'. The idea of getting continuously paid for something / work that you had done once and essentially creating 'beach money' and get paid while you sleep or sun bake at the beach with a cocktail in your hand! Sign me up baby!
This book opened my eyes to different ways of working and different ways of creating income rather than just trading my time for money which was something I had been conditioned to believe was the honourable and aspired way to create a life and money.
The traditional schooling system grooms you to follow the system of being a good student then a good employee, where you study hard, you do what you're told, ask no questions and don't disrupt the system.
I thought the only other way to get ahead financially was to inherit money, to have an invention, invest a lump sum into property or stocks - none of which were options for me.
So this book was a really cool way to educate me on the different vehicles and ways of creating income while I travel the world, or have kids, volunteer to projects that call to me or if I wanted to work from home or not work at all because something tragic had happened (because lets be honest - tragedies do happen and most people’s jobs don't cater for that).
6. 4 - Hour Work Week - by Timothy Ferriss.
This book was awesome as it inspired me to think outside the box and made me question why work fifty hours a week when you could work four?
It got me asking myself what were some ways I could better leverage my time, what were some things that I could outsource and were the things that I was currently spending my time on bringing me joy or getting me paid?
All the ideas and strategies that were shared in this book got me curious and creating systems of my own that allowed me to work less and ironically be able to make more. My underlying dominate belief around money was that it was tied to 'working hard' and 'exchanging time' to deserve it!
This book helped me break up with that belief for good - acknowledging as a business owner you need to upscale and outsource because businesses that turn over billions of dollars are not dependent on one persons 'time sheet' - hence money does not need to be dependent on the man hours you put in.
7. You are a bad ass at making money - by Jen Sincero.
This book helps you rewire your self talk and mindset around money and helps you become aware of your unconscious attitude towards money.
Your relationship with money can be something that is so ingrained in your DNA due to generations of shitty money stories, your intergenerational wealth or socioeconomic status.
Most of us inherit our parents relationship with money and if you don't actively read and seek wider education the cycle continues and history repeats.
This is an awesome book to help you dive in and explore your unconscious relationship with money as well as providing some really cool activities to help you to rewire and rewrite it!
Happy reading and wealth creating beautiful!
Why we did it?! The REAL story behind the HSE.
We wanted to do something about the health and happiness epidemic and wanted to get rid of that bandaid, help people get back to basics, and looking at prevention....knowing that most of these diseases could have been prevented with small, educated and healthier lifestyle choices and a more positive + supporting community.
I always get asked what is it you do online? Why did you decide to stop working for the government and ditch the corporate world? Why do you not coach as much anymore? and where did the Healthstyle Emporium come from?
Now for the real story…
So I thought I would share with you the REAL story behind #theHSE hashtag you may have seen floating around on Instagram over the last few years.
Three years ago, some beautiful women who I had met online were working in the health and welfare system too and we agreed we were sick of band-aiding issues with prescription drugs and being understaffed trying to juggle crazy work loads and not having the resources and support to really help families make small sustainable healthy lifestyle choices. ⠀
We wanted to do something about the health and happiness epidemic and wanted to get rid of that bandaid, help people get back to basics, and looking at prevention....knowing that most of these diseases could have been prevented with small, educated and healthier lifestyle choices and a more positive + supporting community.
So many people I talk to in the health and wellness industry have the same vision of wanting to create a one stop shop/health hub where people can come to a safe space and be supported and learn about nourishing their mind, body and soul.
Nutting that out in terms of what that would look like logistically with time, money and risk is what prevents most of these beautiful souls from doing it though.
flourishing in the 21st century online…
So we thought considering successful businesses are growing and flourishing in the 21st century online - why not worker smarter instead of harder and do the same thing but take that beautiful space and community online?
Where health professionals could collaborate and leverage their expertise and together make a bigger impact. Previously it’s what we had all been trying to achieve independently in our own businesses, studios and coaching practises! ⠀
So that’s what we did!
You have probably seen me over the last three years partnering up and collaborating with women all around the world who are expertise’s in their area of health, or just have a passion for wellness or a massive heart and want to be part of the mission.⠀
Do you have a similar mission or vision babe?
If so let’s connect. We can make a bigger impact together - I choose collaboration over competition every time!
P.S Because its 100% online thats why we are able to travel so much and allows all the mums on the team to have the flexibility to work around the kids.
We have no boss either which means we get to choose our hours and pay! It’s a win win for our clients AND the beautiful souls behind the mission and program - smart business really!
Why is it so hard to be happy? I have a few insights...
Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time? Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?
Do you beat yourself up about not being happy all the time?
Take my happiness test here
Do you feel guilty that no matter how hard you try or how amazing things may be in life - that you’re not over the moon ‘ecstatic’ even though you know you should be?
Do you know research has found nobody is happy all the time?⠀⠀
Researchers collected thousands of ratings from hundreds of people from all walks of life asking them on a scale 1-10 how happy are you at this moment and what is going on in your life?⠀
They discovered regardless of our external circumstances, that we live in a constant state of mild but not fully satisfying happiness.
Everyone pretty much wrote 7 all the time - from when they were buying milk, watching a son’s baseball game, pitching to a big client, missed a mortgage payment, mum diagnosed with cancer or loosing an arm.
Happiness would dip to the 2-5 for a short period of time but then would return to seven. Happiness is nothing but bobbing up and down and around our level seven happiness. ⠀⠀
This was true for extremely positive events as well. Getting a fat bonus at work, going on dream vacations, getting married - ratings would shoot up for a short period of time then settle back at seven.⠀⠀
Happiness is habitual. Learn to find happiness and fulfilment in everyday life instead of thinking you’ll be happy when... this is it guys!
Don’t underestimate your resilience or over estimate how much greener the grass is on the other side of the fence.
We may all have different things and be pursuing different goals externally, but internally the majority of us are having the same experience.
NEW VLOG UP 🎥 Follow us to Nice, FRANCE 🇫🇷 🍷🥖
𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝘀 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝟵 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿! Amsterdam, Paris, Greek Islands, Nice, UK and Australia just to name a few, but to be honest as long as we are together we find something to laugh at and entertain ourselves!
This is part two of our recent Eutrotrip where we got to create some magical moments with one of my best friends and her family in France - with lots of food, sunshine and laughs (which I'm sure you will be able to chuckle at too and admire how beautiful the French Riveria is!)
Follow us to Nice, FRANCE!
𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝘀 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝟵 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿!
Amsterdam, Paris, Greek Islands, Nice, UK and Australia just to name a few, but to be honest as long as we are together we find something to laugh at and entertain ourselves!
This is part two of our recent Eutrotrip where we got to create some magical moments with one of my best friends and her family in France - with lots of food, sunshine and laughs (which I'm sure you will be able to chuckle at too and admire how beautiful the French Riveria is!)
These kind of friendships make you have to believe in the universe having some master plan for the people that walk into our lives.
It was no coincidence Cloé moved from France to a small country town in Australia 15 years ago and hated this girl called “Lauren” ....and now will be walking down the isle with that same crazy girl in less than 5 months as one of my beautiful bridesmaids on my special day.
I love having these VLOGS as a way to travel back through time and revisit some of the best days of our lives with our nearest and dearest. These memories are so special to me that I wanted to share them with you too!
Money is important - but time is the real currency…
Time is something you can never ever get back - and I am forever grateful for the time and flexibility I have been able to buy for myself and our future family in three short years of working online.
I am excited for the next 50 years of more magical moments like this with the amazing people people we have been blessed to have in our lives.
Just a reminder that we are closing recruitment in two weeks and are holding interviews next week for women who would love to join the Babes in Business Team…
Reply to this email if you would love me to send you some information to see if it could be a way you could create more time for the important people and things in your life too! Or lets chat up for a virtual coffee date!
How I bought more time / UK + Croatia Vlog
I am leaving Europe with such a full heart of gratitude. We have spent the last three weeks not only slowing down, relaxing and enjoying being lazy lizards under the European sun but also spending some quality time with some of our nearest and dearest. I still pinch myself because three years ago I wouldn’t of been able to afford this trip (especially when we are getting married this year and have also been to Dubai, Bali, California and Dans off to NZ next week for his bucks party - all in the last 7 months ) but.... the biggie is I wouldn’t have the leave.
It’s crazy our quickly life can change when you decide you want to change it…
I am leaving Europe with such a full heart of gratitude. We have spent the last three weeks not only slowing down, relaxing and enjoying being lazy lizards under the European sun but also spending some quality time with some of our nearest and dearest.
I still pinch myself because three years ago I wouldn’t of been able to afford this trip (especially when we are getting married this year and have also been to Dubai, Bali, California and Dans off to NZ next week for his bucks party - all in the last 7 months ) but.... the biggie is I wouldn’t have the leave.
Before Babes in Business…
I just kind of accepted that for the next 50 years I would have to work 48 weeks a year to earn my 4 weeks off and only have my maternity leave to enjoy slowing down and enjoy having a family on my own - which means that unfortunately I would have to miss out on magical moments like these, weddings, Christmas’s with our family overseas, baby’s first steps, travel and some of the things of my bucket list - but hey that’s life right?
Money is important - but time is the real currency…
Time is something you can never ever get back - and I am forever grateful for the time and flexibility I have been able to buy for myself and our future family in three short years of working online. Excited for the next 50 years of more magical moments like this with the amazing people people we have been blessed to have in our lives.
Watch Part 1 of our Eurotrip with our UK
Croatia Vlog where we got celebrate Dan’s mum Mandy’s 60th in Croatia!
We are holding interviews next week for women who would love to join the Babes in Business Team - email us if you would love us to send you some information to see if it could be a way you could create more time for the important people and things in your life too! Or lets chat up for a virtual coffee date!
Hello 2019 you beautiful thing - let's do more with less this year.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones! I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe. So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.
Happy New Year Beautiful!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones!
I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe.
So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.
The small things really are the big things!
Las Vegas was all about celebrating, the UK was all about slowing down and relaxing and Dubai was all about defrosting, getting back in the sunshine and out of our comfort zones to explore.
I promised you guys I would make a VLOG capturing all the fun - so leave it me, it's on my to do list!
Here is some photos from our last day in the Arabian Desert + some reflections I wanted to share with you as you embark on the gift of a New Year.
I've got to be honest with you, as I was sitting here while this picture was taken watching the sunrise over the Arabian Desert; I sat with a heart full of gratitude ....and itchy feet.
No Place Like Home…
No matter how far and wide I travel, no matter what breath taking things I get to experience ....they serve as a constant reminder that nothing compares to the love and joy I find back home on the Gold Coast in Australia.
Being in love with a simple life of waking up with the sun, in our own beautiful home, next to a man I love, walking down my street to the beach and feeling the sand between my toes and sun on my face every morning, having access to clean water and the luxury to prepare healthy and fresh wholesome foods everyday while I work from home doing something that I love with people who see the world the same as me.
This is honestly what I have discovered is my own personal recipe for happiness and allows me to feel content and fulfilled every night when my head hits the pillow ... the only thing missing was my family.
And this week both my brothers moved to the Gold Coast!!
So it’s safe to say it’s a few days into the New Year and my 2019 has already been everything I have ever wanted (still missing my parents but it's taken 8 years to get the brothers here, so I won't be greedy and will enjoy this first...then I will blackmail mum and dad with grandchildren if nothing else works! haha I am evil).
The last month traveling, eating, drinking and napping was exactly what the soul needed to realign, rejuvenate and refocus.
But I am back feeling recharged and so excited to tick off some more goals and help more women create a life where they get to live and work on their own terms.
I am such a massive believer in goal setting, not just because it's fun and exciting co-creating a life of your wildest dreams BUT it is backed by science to help you bring about what you dream about. Goals are dreams with legs!
If you haven't put some time aside yet to set your intention for this year, or just don't know where to start - I wrote a blog last year to help you if you would love some extra guidance - grab a comfy spot, a pen and notebook and get all those juicy visions on paper!
don’t get too busy…
No matter what goals you do set this year, don’t get too busy chasing them that you forget all that really matters is being love and doing what brings you joy.
All the stuff you choose to fill your day with is your choice, the energy and money you spend chasing your pursuits is your choice.... but if it doesn’t bring you love and joy, all that stuff in between is just noise, don’t buy into it. Do more, with less.
This story is one of my favourite metaphors that helps me drown out the noise in a world where we constantly are being told we have to be better and go bigger - and remember at the end of the day what it is that truly matters. I hope this serves you this year and helps you make decisions that bring you joy and love.
"An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.
The Mexican replied, "only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?"
The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life."The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise."
The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"
To which the American replied, "15 – 20 years."
"But what then?" Asked the Mexican.
The American laughed and said, "That’s the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!"
"Millions – then what?" Gasped the Mexican,
The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."
The fisherman was puzzled, "Isn’t that what I am doing now?"
How I ditched the rat race to chase the sun instead
Only a few weeks until Christmas - 2018 has flown by so quick! I hope you didn't waste the last 12 months you were gifted with and got to create some serious magic and tick off some of those big scary goals of yours. I am just packing my bags to head off on another trip around the world - this time (funnily enough) I am not chasing the sun.
Wow! Where has this year gone?
Only a few weeks until Christmas - 2018 has flown by so quick! I hope you didn't waste the last 12 months you were gifted with and got to create some serious magic and tick off some of those big scary goals of yours. I am just packing my bags to head off on another trip around the world - this time (funnily enough) I am not chasing the sun.
We are heading to Las Vegas …
We are heading to Las Vegas with the Babes in Business Crew for some work (always mixed with pleasure), then London to spend the festive season with my fiancé's family (hoping for a White Christmas - keep your fingers and toes crossed for me) then Dubai for New Years because why not? It has been on my bucket list for a while so time to tick another bad boy off!
I was asked earlier this week to be on my girl friends Jess's podcast Dream, Believe and Achieve to talk openly about my transition from ditching the rat race to chasing my dreams and the sunshine instead!
As I was chatting to her I realised I haven't actually told you guys how I went from my completing my Psychology Degree, writing my thesis, to working in child protection to now being paid to travel around the world and link arms with other heart driven women who share the same passions of empowering others with holistic health, wealth and abundance.
So I thought I would share this week's podcast episode with you for a few reasons;
So you can understand why I am always jet setting around the world and "how" I actually get to enjoy the lifestyle I do in case it is also something that aligns or resonates with you (if so just message me, I am more than happy to send you some information to see if our business could be a good fit for you too - I am always looking for like minded, positive and passionate women to link arms with).
Hopefully it inspires you to pursue your own dreams if you know deep down that right now you are settling or pursuing someone else's (or even worse busting your butt to help someone achieve their goals at the expense of your own values, health and mission).
For the sake of not glorying my "job" or my journey. I wanted to get real and raw with you about the speed bumps and challenges I faced along the way and some psychology and mindset strategies I used to help me create a life I love with the flexibility to spend more time with the people I love - despite the naysayers, moments of self doubt and curve balls life throws at us along the way.If you would love to listen to the episode while you're driving, cooking dinner or going for your walk in the morning - click here.
Christmas Love
I hope this serves you. I am going try to drop in some love before Christmas (but if I am honest, I am actually going to try my best to stay offline so just in case I don't get to chat to you beautiful - I am wishing you and your family a Merry and safe Christmas and a happy, healthy and abundant New Year!
I am going to make a VLOG of our adventures to share with you when we are back - but if you like you can watch the VLOG here of our Las Vegas trip last year with the Babes in Business where I got to surprise my Mum and Dad and take them to Vegas too which is something that has always been on their bucket list!
Just one of the many magical moments I have been able to create since saying yes to Babes in Business. I wonder what magic you could create for you and your family in 2019 if you asked yourself what if it could be for you too?
Follow us to Bali!
So we just got back from an amazing week with our Babes in Business family. My partner and I treated ourselves to some time unplugged filling our cup up with some sunshine and smiles after our business retreat.
Amazing Week with our Babes in Business
So we just got back from an amazing week with our Babes in Business family. My partner and I treated ourselves to some time unplugged filling our cup up with some sunshine and smiles after our business retreat - this is a little sneak peak of what we got up to on the VLOG!
Thank You…
I will be forever grateful for the life I have been able to create with Babes in Bizz and just want to use this opportunity to remind you that if you are feeling lost, unfulfilled, stuck or stagnant in a job that you're not passionate about - please let my VLOG ...or even MY LIFE remind you that there is a Life Above Zero and you deserve to live it.
I’m not a millionaire and nor do I want to be. I just want the lifestyle and freedom to enjoy life instead of working 50 hours a week the best years of my life in hope I’ll get the opportunity to enjoy it in the last years of my life. Life is happening now - are you getting the time to enjoy it or have you bought into the rat race epidemic too where you seem to spend every waking hour working yet still can’t seem to get more than a week ahead?
There are so women like me who have studied 4 - 6 years at university to get a job in the corporate world - that are quitting their jobs that we worked so hard to get for this exact reason!
If you're one of them - do yourself a favour and listen to last week's episode on Babes Talking Business Vlogcast
If you're curious where we go and how we do it, or even better - email me and lets organise a time to catch up for virtual coffee date babe - because if you're anything like me...I know I had lots of questions and misconceptions so I am an open book if you would love to chat!
2017 New Years with the Crew!
I am so sorry I haven’t dropped in some love lately, I literally hit the ground running this year with business events, conferences, celebrating gorgeous friends getting engaged and others getting married. WOW - do I feel the love this year!!
Happy Sunday you beautiful souls!
I am so sorry I haven’t dropped in some love lately, I literally hit the ground running this year with business events, conferences, celebrating gorgeous friends getting engaged and others getting married. WOW - do I feel the love this year!!
You have probably also seen I have been working on launching my THIRD business sneakily behind the scenes which is getting LAUNCHED NEXT WEEK!!!
Watch this space, I can not wait to share it with you! It is something that is so close to my heart and I know you are going to love it!
I have been so excited just to have a couple of weeks to do sweet !@#$ all! - and I have loved every second of it! I love slowing down, tuning in, realigning and getting re-inspired. Remember that you need to be the best version of you to give the best version of you, sometimes you need to be selfish to be selfless and actually need to slow down in order to catch up.
So in saying that, I finally got around to reflecting on all the beautiful memories and laughs we had with our gang over New Years as I put together our VLOG capturing what we got up to in South West Rocks (ironically which was the last time I completely turned off - I highly recommend making time at least once a month to give yourself a complete break from social media, timelines, expectations and societal pressures).
Such beautiful memories to have and look back on (including that of our mate Griffo popping the big question and our gorgeous Kendelle saying “yes”), as we continue to move forward in our crazy fast paced lives and open new chapters.
My favourite memory from this trip was on New Years night, we all sat around a table and did our “gratefuls”, one by one we shared what we were grateful for from the year that had been.
Lots of tears (both happy and sad) - but what you feel in that moment is nothing but pure unconditional love - for the journey, for the friends, for the support, for the lessons.
I can not wait to be sitting around a table this New Years and reflect on what magic, triumphs, lessons, love and laughter 2018 brought us all - one thing I know is that none of us will never have to go through any of it alone.
I love you guys, this one is for you!
Sex, Business and Money
I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!
Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?
How to have it all
I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!
Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?
The reason I am so passionate about empowering women to talk about about their finances is because 80% of women who are under the poverty line weren't when they were married.
Which means we either rely on men for an income or, we don't know or understand how to manage our finances or investments.
Did you know today, that 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce? And so many women stay in abusive and unhappy marriages/relationships because they are are financially dependent on their partner.
Take our Free Happiness Test
Having children and losing an income to stay at home to look after them and shower them in love is one reason for this, which brings up my question to you beautiful boss mummas out there (or young women like me who are questioning when they will be in the position to be able to do so without fear of finances) ... when you are working for a living, when you stop working... how do you afford to live?
Obviously, you don’t go into a marriage or relationship expecting it to end, or a job expecting to be be laid off, but it happens. So if you're relying on a parter, a job... you're putting your future in someone else hands.
So babes, lets empower each other and make it ok to talk about it... Sex, Business and Money!