Life & Wellness, Business Coaching Lauren Kerr Life & Wellness, Business Coaching Lauren Kerr

Hello 2019 you beautiful thing - let's do more with less this year.

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones! I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe. So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.

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Happy New Year Beautiful! 

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and got to enjoy some quality time slowing down with your loved ones!

I know I did! We have had such a beautiful time catching up with our family and friends scattered on the other side of the globe. 

So grateful to live in a time where social media makes the miles feel not so far between and gives us the option to work for ourselves online so we can work anywhere in the world without stressing about not having leave approved and missing out on magical moments with the ones we love the most.

The small things really are the big things!

Las Vegas was all about celebrating, the UK was all about slowing down and relaxing and Dubai was all about defrosting, getting back in the sunshine and out of our comfort zones to explore.  

I promised you guys I would make a VLOG capturing all the fun - so leave it me, it's on my to do list!

Here is some photos from our last day in the Arabian Desert + some reflections I wanted to share with you as you embark on the gift of a New Year.

I've got to be honest with you, as I was sitting here while this picture was taken watching the sunrise over the Arabian Desert; I sat with a heart full of gratitude ....and itchy feet. 


No Place Like Home…

No matter how far and wide I travel, no matter what breath taking things I get to experience ....they serve as a constant reminder that nothing compares to the love and joy I find back home on the Gold Coast in Australia.

Being in love with a simple life of waking up with the sun, in our own beautiful home, next to a man I love, walking down my street to the beach and feeling the sand between my toes and sun on my face every morning, having access to clean water and the luxury to prepare healthy and fresh wholesome foods everyday while I work from home doing something that I love with people who see the world the same as me.

This is honestly what I have discovered is my own personal recipe for happiness and allows me to feel content and fulfilled every night when my head hits the pillow ... the only thing missing was my family.

And this week both my brothers moved to the Gold Coast!!

So it’s safe to say it’s a few days into the New Year and my 2019 has already been everything I have ever wanted (still missing my parents but it's taken 8 years to get the brothers here, so I won't be greedy and will enjoy this first...then I will blackmail mum and dad with grandchildren if nothing else works! haha I am evil).

The last month traveling, eating, drinking and napping was exactly what the soul needed to realign, rejuvenate and refocus.

But I am back feeling recharged and so excited to tick off some more goals and help more women create a life where they get to live and work on their own terms.

I am such a massive believer in goal setting, not just because it's fun and exciting co-creating a life of your wildest dreams BUT it is backed by science to help you bring about what you dream about. Goals are dreams with legs!

If you haven't put some time aside yet to set your intention for this year, or just don't know where to start - I wrote a blog last year to help you if you would love some extra guidance - grab a comfy spot, a pen and notebook and get all those juicy visions on paper!


don’t get too busy…

No matter what goals you do set this year, don’t get too busy chasing them that you forget all that really matters is being love and doing what brings you joy.

All the stuff you choose to fill your day with is your choice, the energy and money you spend chasing your pursuits is your choice.... but if it doesn’t bring you love and joy, all that stuff in between is just noise, don’t buy into it. Do more, with less. 


This story is one of my favourite metaphors that helps me drown out the noise in a world where we constantly are being told we have to be better and go bigger - and remember at the end of the day what it is that truly matters. I hope this serves you this year and helps you make decisions that bring you joy and love.

"An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.  Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna.  The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The Mexican replied, "only a little while. The American then asked why didn’t he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The American then asked, "but what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos.  I have a full and busy life."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But, how long will this all take?"

To which the American replied, "15 – 20 years."

"But what then?" Asked the Mexican.

The American laughed and said, "That’s the best part.  When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions!"

"Millions – then what?" Gasped the Mexican,

The American said, "Then you would retire.  Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The fisherman was puzzled, "Isn’t that what I am doing now?" 

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Business Coaching Lauren Kerr Business Coaching Lauren Kerr

How I ditched the rat race to chase the sun instead

Only a few weeks until Christmas - 2018 has flown by so quick! I hope you didn't waste the last 12 months you were gifted with and got to create some serious magic and tick off some of those big scary goals of yours. I am just packing my bags to head off on another trip around the world - this time (funnily enough) I am not chasing the sun.


Wow! Where has this year gone?

Only a few weeks until Christmas - 2018 has flown by so quick! I hope you didn't waste the last 12 months you were gifted with and got to create some serious magic and tick off some of those big scary goals of yours. I am just packing my bags to head off on another trip around the world - this time (funnily enough) I am not chasing the sun.

We are heading to Las Vegas …

We are heading to Las Vegas with the Babes in Business Crew for some work (always mixed with pleasure), then London to spend the festive season with my fiancé's family (hoping for a White Christmas - keep your fingers and toes crossed for me) then Dubai for New Years because why not? It has been on my bucket list for a while so time to tick another bad boy off!

I was asked earlier this week to be on my girl friends Jess's podcast Dream, Believe and Achieve to talk openly about my transition from ditching the rat race to chasing my dreams and the sunshine instead!

As I was chatting to her I realised I haven't actually told you guys how I went from my completing my Psychology Degree, writing my thesis, to working in child protection to now being paid to travel around the world and link arms with other heart driven women who share the same passions of empowering others with holistic health, wealth and abundance.

So I thought I would share this week's podcast episode with you for a few reasons;

  1. So you can understand why I am always jet setting around the world and "how" I actually get to enjoy the lifestyle I do in case it is also something that aligns or resonates with you (if so just message me, I am more than happy to send you some information to see if our business could be a good fit for you too - I am always looking for like minded, positive and passionate women to link arms with).

  2. Hopefully it inspires you to pursue your own dreams if you know deep down that right now you are settling or pursuing someone else's (or even worse busting your butt to help someone achieve their goals at the expense of your own values, health and mission).

  3. For the sake of not glorying my "job" or my journey. I wanted to get real and raw with you about the speed bumps and challenges I faced along the way and some psychology and mindset strategies I used to help me create a life I love with the flexibility to spend more time with the people I love - despite the naysayers, moments of self doubt and curve balls life throws at us along the way.If you would love to listen to the episode while you're driving, cooking dinner or going for your walk in the morning - click here.

Christmas Love

I hope this serves you. I am going try to drop in some love before Christmas (but if I am honest, I am actually going to try my best to stay offline so just in case I don't get to chat to you beautiful - I am wishing you and your family a Merry and safe Christmas and a happy, healthy and abundant New Year!

I am going to make a VLOG of our adventures to share with you when we are back - but if you like you can watch the VLOG here of our Las Vegas trip last year with the Babes in Business where I got to surprise my Mum and Dad and take them to Vegas too which is something that has always been on their bucket list!

Check out my Book Here

Just one of the many magical moments I have been able to create since saying yes to Babes in Business. I wonder what magic you could create for you and your family in 2019 if you asked yourself what if it could be for you too?

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An Introvert living in an Extrovert world

A few different things inspired my VLOG this week; personal experiences for people who misread me, introverted babes I mentor in business doubting themselves in the business world because they're not an "extrovert", and clients I coach in wellness who feel guilty because they don't want to go to big social gatherings, as it feels more like a chore for them that they have to drag themselves to, rather than something that gets them excited and lit up!

I am an Introvert… What next…

A few different things inspired my VLOG this week; personal experiences for people who misread me, introverted babes I mentor in business doubting themselves in the business world because they're not an "extrovert", and clients I coach in wellness who feel guilty because they don't want to go to big social gatherings, as it feels more like a chore for them that they have to drag themselves to, rather than something that gets them excited and lit up!

So many people get surprised when I tell them I am an introvert, funnily enough though.. Im not surprised that they are surprised!

Because so many people see me with my "business jacket" on, where I do things that scare the shit out of me like VLOGS, presentations, workshops, conferences and networking events.

That is "Business" Lozz, the perception I have to muster my energy and courage to portray on my social media platforms as a way to get my vision, message and mission out there to those who need it (because I know my vision is much bigger than me, and you don't serve the world by playing small).

Im Not Surprised

Another reason why I am not surprised and people may not believe me is because so many are not aware of what the true meaning is of these words.

Unlike most believe, introversion and extroversion is not a theory about how outgoing or shy we are,  in psychology and research it actually relates to where we get our energy from.

Or in other words, how we recharge our brains and batteries - Or how I like to say it fill up your cup!


(or those of us with introverted tendencies) tend to recharge by spending time alone - for example for me thats walking, one on one coffee or wine dates with my girlfriends, watching a movie with my partner, going for a long walk, sitting at the beach ALONE, meditating, journaling. We lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.


On the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.

So tune in to listen to how you can learn AND understand your personality type so you can make smart decisions on how to regulate your emotions - in a way that is healthy FOR YOU (and not feel guilty if going to your friends party isn't the best thing for you do to right now).

If you're an introvert already in or embarking on - stepping into the business world which is all about MARKETING yourself as an extrovert to get your mission and message across,  tune in to hear how I use my "Business jacket" - as well as those of you who may judge others from what you perceive them to be on social media in comparison to a social setting...keep these golden nuggets in the back of your mind not only to be a better friend, but human.

Understanding others and yourself is the key to spreading kindness and compassion, and the world needs more of that. 

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Sex, Business and Money

I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!

Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?

How to have it all

I love mentoring women to live a life of health, wealth and abundance. But one aspect that seems like it is "taboo" is the wealth aspect of it...yes, wealth in experiences and relationships, but also MONEY!

Why is it that when men are the breadwinners, and are proud of being able to support themselves and their loved ones, they talk about money and streams of income and they are just talking "business", but when women do is considered "rude", "arrogant", "cocky", or not "humble" or "grounded'?

The reason I am so passionate about empowering women to talk about about their finances is because 80% of women who are under the poverty line weren't when they were married.

Which means we either rely on men for an income or, we don't know or understand how to manage our finances or investments.

Did you know today, that 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce? And so many women stay in abusive and unhappy marriages/relationships because they are are financially dependent on their partner.

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Having children and losing an income to stay at home to look after them and shower them in love is one reason for this, which brings up my question to you beautiful boss mummas out there (or young women like me who are questioning when they will be in the position to be able to do so without fear of finances) ... when you are working for a living, when you stop working... how do you afford to live?

Obviously, you don’t go into a marriage or relationship expecting it to end, or a job expecting to be be laid off, but it happens. So if you're relying on a parter, a job... you're putting your future in someone else hands.

So babes, lets empower each other and make it ok to talk about it... Sex, Business and Money!

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Lets talk about Fear

Lets talk about fear!! Fear is the biggest manipulator in world - it causes people to not think logically and cheats them out of making some of the best decisions of their life.

However, I understand why…fear (real or perceived), triggers the same stress response in our body, so tune into my LIVE where I shine some light on that little shit because the truth is you can either be comfortable or grow…you can’t have both. So which one do you choose?

What you can learn from fear?

Have there been some things you have been putting off because you’re scared? Scared of failure, scared of success, scared of what others may think?

Lets talk about fear!! Fear is the biggest manipulator in world - it causes people to not think logically and cheats them out of making some of the best decisions of their life.

However, I understand why…fear (real or perceived), triggers the same stress response in our body, so tune into my LIVE where I shine some light on that little shit because the truth is you can either be comfortable or grow…you can’t have both. So which one do you choose?

Step forward into growth or backwards into safety?

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Babes in Business take on Vegas!

Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't dropped in some love for a while.. I surprised my parents and I took them over to Las Vegas!! If any of you have Las Vegas on your bucket list there is a squad of us heading back over in December next year.

Babes in Business Hits Vegas

Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't dropped in some love for a while.. I surprised my parents and I took them over to Las Vegas!!

If any of you have Las Vegas on your bucket list there is a squad of us heading back over in December next year.

I have been over there a few years ago purely for the partying scene and had lots of fun, BUT I actually just got back traveling this time with some babes that are passionate about learning about business, wealth, health, personal and professional growth.

We made the focus of the trip more so about personal development, spiritual growth with seminars with world renown speakers, workshops AND LOTS OF FUN!

I made this VLOG to capture it all for you - it was such an amazing week!

We are starting to plan some fun trips for next year orientated around the same values (we already have Perth, Bali and Las Vegas on the calendar).

If you want to (or know someone who might, feel free to share this with them) travel with a tribe of passionate, inspiring, fun women and share the same interests as us, email me so we can keep connected on Facebook and I can invite you guys along!

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Do good things come to those who wait?

So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work. We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW - we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?

Well do they?...

So many people come to me and they all want a better than average life but most are not willing to put in more than average work.

We live in an era where life is fast paced and we want it NOW -  we are wanting people to promise and deliver quick fixes and, do good things really come to those who wait?

Listen to the Istagram Live I shared this week on the tips, tricks, psychology and research behind success in health, wealth, relationships and life!

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